C language to see and remember Part 1 Call C language from Python (hello world)

C is useful for doing things that python can't do.

The GO language is more convenient and faster than the C language, but I'm addicted to it with 89 pointers. Because it is interfaced by value (by Value is basic and by reference is not good), index cannot be taken even if it is passed with a pointer.

--Speed up, etc. --Library --I want to control the experimental equipment. --I want to read and write IO directly. --The interface for C language is prepared, but not for Python.

Let's look at an example sentence based on the purpose of "seeing and remembering".

What you need is

1. GCC ** gcc (x86_64-posix-seh-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 8.1.0** 2. Python Python 3.7.4 3. Advanced editor like Visual studio code Version: 1.41.1 (system setup) OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.18362

First step

Create a folder with a suitable name. Let's copy the program below!

> mkdir capi

** Call python test library **


import myModule as capi #Give it a suitable name(I'm addicted to test

** Library body **


#include <Python.h>
static PyObject* hello(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
    printf("Hello World Tokyo\n");
    return Py_None;
//Definition of function name, specifications, etc.
static PyMethodDef myMethods[] = {
    { "hello", hello, METH_NOARGS, "Hello World"},
    { NULL }
// Module Definition struct
static struct PyModuleDef myModule = {
 PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,"myModule","C API Module",-1,myMethods
//Initialize the above structure
PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_myModule(void)
    return PyModule_Create(&myModule);

Library creation script


from distutils.core import setup, Extension
setup(name = 'myModule', version = '1.0.0',  \
   ext_modules = [Extension('myModule', ['capilib.c'])])

Create a library.

python setup.py install
running install
running build
running build_ext
running install_lib
running install_egg_info
Removing C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\myModule-1.0.0-py3.7.egg-info
Writing C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\myModule-1.0.0-py3.7.egg-info

How to check the library

\capi>pip freeze

Measures against garbled characters

> chcp 65001


capi>python capi.py
Hello World Tokyo

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