Selenium WebDriver + Firefox49 (provisional) (Python)

Wow, if I upgrade the version of Firefox, Selenium won't work. I have no choice but to die. I can't have a fun weekend as it is! I looked it up. Oh, it's Python.

Doesn't it work with Selenium 2 series? So far (as of September 29, 2016) this is the way it works.

Raise to Selenium 3.0.0b3 and put geckodriver.

tar xzvf geckodriver-v0.10.0-linux64.tar.gz
cp geckodriver /usr/bin/
pip install selenium==3.0.0b3

I did it according to this.

Response to mysterious exceptions

Still, get_attribute gives a mysterious exception.

WebDriverException: Message: SyntaxError: missing ) in parenthetical

I wondered if the version of Selenium was upgraded and the usage changed, but it seems to be a bug of Selenium 3.0.0b3, so fix it.

I wonder if anyone is giving me a pull request.


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