[PYTHON] I tried scoring a transvestite contest using Face ++'s Detect API

This article is the 20th day article of Hands Lab Advent Calendar 2019


My name is @jxxpsame and I joined the company in October of this year. I touch Unicage mystery technology every day.

I haven't output anything in a blog-like format like this since yahoo! Blog when I was in junior high school, so I'm nervous.


I used Face ++'s Detect API to score a crossdressing contest for a certain team.


――Because there was a tendency to learn python with the team I belong to, I was studying ――Because you are a fan of a certain team --I wanted to try something using the API ―― ~~ I wish I could be happy because I only need my relatives ~~


What is Face ++

The name of the face recognition platform developed by Megvii in Beijing. Face ++'s Detect API can authenticate faces and get various attributes. This time, we will score using the attribute called Beauty Score from among those attributes.

In addition, I referred to the following article for how to use Face ++. I analyzed Pairs with python ~ Face photo ~ Introduction of Face ++ API that detects the face when you send a photo and tells you the facial deviation value

Target of scoring

7 participants in a crossdressing contest of a certain team (Imamura Ishikawa Takahashi Yamashita Togoh Naoe Yokogawa) I used the image uploaded below. Instagram


import requests
import json
import pprint

# key:Person name value:Declare the URL of the image as a dictionary
url_dict = {'Person name:Image URL'}

#Number loop of target people
for img_data in url_dict.items():
    response = requests.post(
            'api_key': "[Face++API Key obtained from]",
            'api_secret': "[Face++API Seacret obtained from]",
            'image_url': img_data[1], #Image URL
            'return_attributes': 'beauty' #Attributes you want to get

    #json plastic surgery
    json_dict = json.loads(response.text)
    print(img_data[0]) #Person name output


Please refer to the link of the Instagram post page for each player's name. Imamura {'female_score': 77.524, 'male_score': 78.338} Ishikawa {'female_score': 88.169, 'male_score': 84.546} Takahashi {'female_score': 79.26, 'male_score': 76.487} Yamashita {'female_score': 76.926, 'male_score': 78.077} Togoh {'female_score': 82.532, 'male_score': 81.738} Naoe {'female_score': 78.401, 'male_score': 79.444} Yokogawa {'female_score': 71.818, 'male_score': 69.508}

This time, we will hire the femele_score because it is a transvestite contest. ** The winner was Ishikawa! ** **

By the way

Compared with the actual ranking, it is as follows.

Actual ranking Face++Ranking given in
Ishikawa First place First place
Imamura 2nd place 5th place
Takahashi 3rd place 3rd place
Naoe 4th 4th
Yamashita 5th place 6th place
Togoh 6th place 2nd place
Yokokawa 7th place 7th place

reference 7 giants dressed as beautiful women! 1st place Shingo Ishikawa and others makeover

Except for Togoh and Imamura, the results were almost the same as the actual ranking. Face ++ Scary.


I was reluctant to use only the face of another person for sample data, so I measured the beauty score of my own face (25 years old, male).

'beauty': {'female_score': 67.239, 'male_score': 62.417},

Cusso is low ... Since femele_score was higher, I added gender (gender) and age (age) to the attributes to be acquired, and measured again. {'age': {'value': 34}, 'beauty': {'female_score': 67.253, 'male_score': 62.442}, 'gender': {'value': 'Female'}}

Everyone at Hands Lab. I look forward to working with you as a 34-year-old woman.

Hands Lab Advent Calendar 2019 Day 21 is @jnuank: clap :: clap:

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