Set multiple WSGIPythonPath with Apache + mod_wsgi


Touch Django ↓ Find out how to deploy with Apache + mod_wsgi ↓ Write WSGIScriptAlias and WSGIPythonPath in Virtual Host ↓ "Error !! Do not write WSGIPythonPath to ! Write in httpd.conf! " ↓ What if I want to handle multiple projects ... (Although I tried arranging more than one, it was overwritten as expected ('A`) Vow)


You can set multiple settings with ":" for Unix and ";" for Windows. Example) WSGIPythonPath / path / to / foo; / path / to / bar (for Windows)

It was written on the Wiki. I think it's enough to write in Virtual Host. In the first place, I rarely see the story of "I want to set multiple", so I don't think it's really necessary.

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