[PYTHON] Pipenv


This time, I will summarize the installation procedure of pipenv which has the functions of pip and venv.

What is Pipenv

Pipenv is, in a nutshell, a "tool that automatically manages Python packages and builds / switches virtual environments."

I'm sure some of you may have seen this sentence and thought, "... that? There are also pip and venv? Isn't that okay?"

I thought so at first.

Certainly, pip can be used to install packages, and virtualenv (venv) can be used to build virtual environments.

However, pipenv is a very useful tool that does all this together.


For installation with Homebrew, use the following command.

$ brew install pipenv

If you are installing with pip, use the following command.

$ $ pip install pipenv

You can check the version with the following command.

$ pipenv --version
pipenv, version 2018.11.26

in conclusion

It is very convenient to use the functions of pip and venv together. This time, only the installation procedure is summarized. For more detailed settings and explanations, please refer to this "Summary of Python development using Pipenv".

Reference site

"Summary of Python development using Pipenv" https://qiita.com/y-tsutsu/items/54c10e0b2c6b565c887a

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