[PYTHON] Learning record # 3

What i did

Udemy "Web Scraping with Python-Introduction- [First Steps to Business Efficiency]" §6 Image Collection

--Pillow is convenient for loading and saving images --You can get the source with .get_attribute ('src') --for index, elem in enumerate (elems): Then the index will increase

What I read

https://qiita.com/Hexans/items/12c6483bbce90b470a69 As an example of scraping, acquisition of stock price data. seems interesting.


――Udemy "Web scraping with Python-Introduction- [First step to improve work efficiency]" has been completed, but I can't write it in the sky yet, so I'll try it for a few laps. ――I would like to start a course that makes something, rather than just doing grammar.

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