[PYTHON] The simplest way to build a Spleeter usage environment using Windows


What is Spleeter? ⇒ A great guy who separates music data into parts by machine learning! !!

There are many articles published that include unnecessary steps such as installing Git for building the environment of Spleeter for Windows, so I tried to summarize the simple steps.


  1. Download Miniconda (Python 3.x Windows installers) from the following site. https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html

  2. Create "spleeter-cpu.yaml" with a text editor.


name: spleeter-cpu

  - conda-forge
  - anaconda

  - python=3.7
  - tensorflow=1.14.0
  - ffmpeg
  - pandas==0.25.1
  - requests
  - pip
  - pip:
    - museval==0.3.0
    - musdb==0.3.1
    - norbert==0.2.1
    - spleeter


  1. Install the Miniconda downloaded in preparation with the default settings.
  2. Start Anaconda Prompt (Miniconda3) from the start menu.
  3. Execute conda env create -f [path of spleeter-cpu.yaml]. It will be downloaded in various ways, so wait until it is completed.
  4. Run conda info --envs and verify that" spleeter-cpu "has been created.

how to use

  1. Start Anaconda Prompt (Miniconda3) from the start menu.
  2. Run conda activate spleeter-cpu.
  3. Execute spleeter separate -i [music data path] -o [output destination path] -p spleeter: [2 or 4 or 5] stems.

Example: spleeter separate -i hoge.wav -o D: \ hoge -p spleeter: 2stems

Use the numbers [2 or 4 or 5] according to the number of parts you want to separate. 2: Vocal / Accompaniment 4: Vocal / Drum / Bass / Other 5: Vocal / Drum / Bass / Piano / Other

Machine learning data is downloaded to the input source folder, so if you unify the input source, you can shorten the time from the next time onwards ...


I also have a batch that can process multiple files by D & D. Please rewrite [User name] according to your environment. If spaces, tabs, equal signs, semicolons, and commas that are recognized as delimiters in the command prompt specifications are included in the music data file name, the output destination folder will be strange.


@echo off
set DESTPATH=%~dp1
set /P ITEM="Enter the number of separations and press Enter(2/4/5):"

set FLAG=False
if %ITEM%==2 set FLAG=True
if %ITEM%==4 set FLAG=True
if %ITEM%==5 set FLAG=True

if %FLAG%==True (
 call C:\Users\[User name]\miniconda3\Scripts\activate.bat
 call conda activate spleeter-cpu
 for %%f in (%*) do call python -m spleeter separate -i %%f -o %DESTPATH% -p spleeter:%ITEM%stems
echo It's over. Press any key to exit.
)else echo The number of separations is strange. Press any key to exit.
pause > nul

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