[Python] I examined the practice of asynchronous processing that can be executed in parallel with the main thread (multiprocessing, asyncio).

I considered a practice of python asynchronous processing that meets the following requirements.

--I want to execute main processing and asynchronous processing in parallel. --I want to wait until the execution of asynchronous processing is completed at the specified location in the main processing. --I want to get the return value of asynchronous processing with future.

The code is a bit verbose, but I've included all the sources, including loggers, so you can copy and paste it as is.

Case 1 Process main thread and asynchronous thread in parallel (using multiprocessing)


from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
import time
import threading as th
import logging

#Get logger
def get_logger():
    logger = logging.getLogger("multiprocesssing_test")
    logger.propagate = False

    ch = logging.StreamHandler()
    ch_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(message)s')
    return logger

logger = get_logger()

def async_func(name, sleep_time):
    #Get thread id
    thread_id = th.get_ident()

    logger.info(f"thread_id:{thread_id} name:{name} async_start func")
    logger.info(f"thread_id:{thread_id} name:{name} async_end of func")

    return f"{thread_id}-{name}"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #Create a thread pool for thread execution
    #Maximum simultaneous threads in processes
    pool = ThreadPool(processes=1)

    #Get thread id
    thread_id = th.get_ident()

    #Execute asynchronous processing. Specify the function object as the first argument and the argument as the second argument.
    logger.info(f"thread_id:{thread_id}Call asynchronous processing from main")
    future = pool.apply_async(async_func, ("Thread 1", 10))

    #Processing that you want to execute in the main thread in parallel with asynchronous processing
    logger.info(f"thread_id:{thread_id}main Start processing during asynchronous processing")
    logger.info(f"thread_id:{thread_id}main End of processing during asynchronous processing")

    #Wait for the asynchronous process to finish and get the result.
    result = future.get()
    logger.info(f"thread_id:{thread_id}Get the result of asynchronous processing:{result}")

Execution result

2020-10-15 16:43:27,073 - thread_id:18440 Call asynchronous processing from main
2020-10-15 16:43:27,074 - thread_id:18440 main Start processing during asynchronous processing
2020-10-15 16:43:27,074 - thread_id:18132 name:Thread 1 async_start func
2020-10-15 16:43:32,074 - thread_id:18440 main End of processing during asynchronous processing
2020-10-15 16:43:37,075 - thread_id:18132 name:Thread 1 async_end of func
2020-10-15 16:43:37,075 - thread_id:18440 Get the result of asynchronous processing:18132-Thread 1

From the log, you can see that at 16:43:27, the "main asynchronous processing in progress" and "async_func start" processes are being executed in parallel at the same time.

Case 2 Processing main thread and multiple asynchronous threads in parallel (using multiprocessing)


from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
import time
import threading as th
import logging

#Get logger
def get_logger():
    logger = logging.getLogger("multiprocesssing_test")
    logger.propagate = False

    ch = logging.StreamHandler()
    ch_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(message)s')
    return logger

logger = get_logger()

def async_func(name, sleep_time):
    #Get thread id
    thread_id = th.get_ident()

    logger.info(f"thread_id:{thread_id} name:{name} async_start func")
    logger.info(f"thread_id:{thread_id} name:{name} async_end of func")

    return f"{thread_id}-{name}"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #Create a thread pool for thread execution
    #Maximum simultaneous threads in processes
    pool = ThreadPool(processes=5)

    #Get thread id
    thread_id = th.get_ident()

    #Execute asynchronous processing. Specify the function object as the first argument and the argument as the second argument.
    logger.info(f"thread_id:{thread_id}Call asynchronous processing from main")
    futures = []
    for i in range(5):
        future = pool.apply_async(async_func, (f"thread{i + 1}", 10)) # Tuple of args for foo

    #Processing that you want to execute in the main thread in parallel with asynchronous processing
    logger.info(f"thread_id:{thread_id}main Start processing during asynchronous processing")
    logger.info(f"thread_id:{thread_id}main End of processing during asynchronous processing")

    #Wait for the asynchronous process to finish and get the result.
    results = [future.get() for future in futures]
    logger.info(f"thread_id:{thread_id}Get the result of asynchronous processing:{results}")

Execution result

2020-10-15 16:47:41,977 - thread_id:13448 Call asynchronous processing from main
2020-10-15 16:47:41,978 - thread_id:13448 main Start processing during asynchronous processing
2020-10-15 16:47:41,979 - thread_id:23216 name:Thread 1 async_start func
2020-10-15 16:47:41,979 - thread_id:21744 name:Thread 2 async_start func
2020-10-15 16:47:41,979 - thread_id:21708 name:Thread 3 async_start func
2020-10-15 16:47:41,979 - thread_id:21860 name:Thread 4 async_start func
2020-10-15 16:47:41,979 - thread_id:22100 name:Thread 5 async_start func
2020-10-15 16:47:46,980 - thread_id:13448 main End of processing during asynchronous processing
2020-10-15 16:47:51,982 - thread_id:21744 name:Thread 2 async_end of func
2020-10-15 16:47:51,982 - thread_id:23216 name:Thread 1 async_end of func
2020-10-15 16:47:51,983 - thread_id:21708 name:Thread 3 async_end of func
2020-10-15 16:47:51,984 - thread_id:21860 name:Thread 4 async_end of func
2020-10-15 16:47:51,984 - thread_id:22100 name:Thread 5 async_end of func
2020-10-15 16:47:51,986 - thread_id:13448 Get the result of asynchronous processing:['23216-Thread 1', '21744-Thread 2', '21708-Thread 3', '21860-Su
Red 4', '22100-Thread 5']

From the log, you can see that at 16:47:41, five processes, "main asynchronous process being executed" and "async_func start", are being executed in parallel at the same time. Also, if you reduce the number of processes by using ThreadPool (processes = 3) etc., 3 threads will be executed first, 2 will be in the waiting state, and a new thread will be executed when completed.

Case 3 Process main thread and multiple asynchronous threads in parallel (using asyncio)


import asyncio
import itertools
import time
import profile
import random
import time
import threading as th
import logging

#Get logger
def get_logger():
    logger = logging.getLogger("asyncio_test")
    logger.propagate = False

    ch = logging.StreamHandler()
    ch_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(message)s')
    return logger

logger = get_logger()

#Get something like task id
#* Since asyncio uses a generator internally
#The thread ID will be the same, and the acquisition method of the ID corresponding to the asynchronous processing will be as follows.
_next_id = itertools.count().__next__
def get_task_id():
    return _next_id()

async def async_func(name, sleep_time):
    #Get task id
    task_id = get_task_id()

    logger.info(f"task_id:{task_id} name:{name} async_start func")
    await asyncio.sleep(sleep_time)
    logger.info(f"task_id:{task_id} name:{name} async_end of func")

    return f"{task_id}-{name}"

async def async_func_caller():
    #Get task id
    task_id = get_task_id()

    #Generate asynchronous processing task
    #* At this point, the task is only generated and not executed.
    # loop.run_until_Executed when calling complete.
    futures = [asyncio.ensure_future(async_func(f"task{i + 1}", 10)) for i in range(5)]

    #Processing that you want to execute in the main thread in parallel with asynchronous processing
    logger.info(f"task_id:{task_id} async_func_caller Start processing during asynchronous processing execution")
    await asyncio.sleep(5)
    logger.info(f"task_id:{task_id} async_func_caller End of processing during asynchronous processing execution")

    #Wait for the asynchronous process to finish and get the result.
    results = await asyncio.gather(*futures)

    return results

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #Create a thread pool for asynchronous processing execution
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

    logger.info(f"main Start processing during asynchronous processing")

    #Execute asynchronous processing and wait until the end
    ret = loop.run_until_complete(async_func_caller())
    logger.info(f"main End of processing during asynchronous processing Result:{ret}")

Execution result

2020-10-15 16:49:40,132 -main Start processing during asynchronous processing
2020-10-15 16:49:40,134 - task_id:0 async_func_caller Start processing during asynchronous processing execution
2020-10-15 16:49:40,134 - task_id:1 name:task1 async_start func
2020-10-15 16:49:40,135 - task_id:2 name:task2 async_start func
2020-10-15 16:49:40,135 - task_id:3 name:task3 async_start func
2020-10-15 16:49:40,136 - task_id:4 name:task4 async_start func
2020-10-15 16:49:40,136 - task_id:5 name:task5 async_start func
2020-10-15 16:49:45,138 - task_id:0 async_func_caller End of processing during asynchronous processing execution
2020-10-15 16:49:50,141 - task_id:2 name:task2 async_end of func
2020-10-15 16:49:50,142 - task_id:5 name:task5 async_end of func
2020-10-15 16:49:50,142 - task_id:4 name:task4 async_end of func
2020-10-15 16:49:50,144 - task_id:1 name:task1 async_end of func
2020-10-15 16:49:50,144 - task_id:3 name:task3 async_end of func
2020-10-15 16:49:50,145 -main End of processing during asynchronous processing Result:['1-task1', '2-task2', '3-task3', '4-task4', '5-task5']

From the log, you can see that at 16:49:40, five processes, "main asynchronous process being executed" and "async_func start", are being executed in parallel at the same time.

We hope this will be helpful when implementing asynchronous processing.

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