[PYTHON] Output cell to file with Colaboratory

Even if I googled with Colaboratory cell file output, it did not come out.

Original story: Cell magics @ ipython



%%writefile yesno.py
#!/usr/bin/env python

import re

def main():
  check=input('Please enter Yes or No:')

def YN(string):
  if re.match('(?i)ye?s?',string):
    return 'YES'
  elif re.match('(?i)no?',string):
    return 'NO'
  else: return 'Yes/Not no'

if __name__ == '__main__':

%% writefile yesno.py is the command

If you check with ! cat -n yes no.py

 1	#!/usr/bin/env python
 3	import re
 5	def main():

6 check = input ('Please enter Yes or No:') 7 print(YN(check)) 8 9 def YN(string): 10 if re.match('(?i)ye?s?',string): 11 return'YES' 12 elif re.match('(?i)no?',string): 13 return'NO' 14 else: return'Yes/No' 15 16 if name == 'main': 17 main() The file is output immediately after the command, so be careful when describing the shebang.



import yesno

if yesno.YN(('Yes')) == 'YES': print('Yeah')

Result: Yeah

You will be able to use it.


When studying Python with Colaboratory, there are times when I am at a loss as to how to do the tasks written based on local files.

If you use it together with Download file with Python, you can probably do it with Colaboratory.

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