log.Fatal tries to terminate the program with exit status 1 after outputting the message

Conclusion: Read the documentation properly when using the API (´ ・ ω ・ `)

The go languages log.Fatal, log.Fatalf and log.Fatalln issueos.Exit (1)after the message is output and try to terminate the process. For example, suppose you have the following program.


package main

import (

func main() {



If you build and run this, you will see that the program has exited with exit status 1 after outputting FATAL (AFTER is not output).

$ go build .
$ ./fataltest
2020/11/15 21:02:55 FATAL
$ echo $?

Some other programming languages and libraries have FATAL as the log level. In short, if you use a function of the log.Fatal type thinking" Is it the one that outputs the FATAL level log! ", It may cause an unexpected bug--or rather, I did. Reflection)


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