[PYTHON] Let Code Table of Contents Starting from Zero


It seems that coding tests are conducted overseas in interviews with engineers, and in many cases, the main thing is to implement specific functions and classes according to the theme.

As a countermeasure, it seems that a site called Let Code will take measures.

A site that trains algorithmic power that can withstand coding tests that are often done in the home.

I think it's better to have the algorithm power of a human being, so I'll solve the problem irregularly and write down the method I thought at that time as a memo.


I'm solving it with Python3.

Link Collection

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If you want to see only the code, click here See Github.

The number is the link to the Leet Code problem, and the problem link is the link to the commentary article.

I would appreciate it if you could comment on any links that are incorrect.

Day number problem difficulty
1 1389 CreateTargetArrayintheGivenOrder Easy
2 1108 DefanginganIPAddress Easy
3 1313 DecompressRun-LengthEncodedList Easy
4 938 RangeSumofBST Easy
5 1266 MinimumTimeVisitingAllPoints Easy
6 1342 NumberofStepstoReduceaNumbertoZero Easy
7 104 MaximumDepthofBinaryTree Easy
8 1302 DeepestLeavesSum Medium
9 701 InsertintoaBinarySearchTree Medium
10 1431 KidsWiththeGreatestNumberofCandies Easy
11 1315 SumofNodeswithEven-ValuedGrandparent Medium
12 617 MergeTwoBinaryTrees Easy
13 338 CountingBits Medium
14 136 SingleNumber Easy
15 283 MoveZeroes Easy
16 344 ReverseString Easy
17 169 MajorityElement Easy
18 53 MaximumSubarray Easy
19 121 BestTimetoBuyandSellStock Easy
20 134 GasStation Medium
21 448 FindAllNumbersDisappearedinanArray Easy
22 141 LinkedListCycle Easy
23 226 InvertBinaryTree Easy
24 21 MergeTwoSortedLists Easy
25 70 ClimbingStairs Easy
26 94 BinaryTreeInorderTraversal Easy
27 101 SymmetricTree Easy
28 198 HouseRobber Easy
29 46 Permutations Medium
30 234 PalindromeLinkedList Easy
31 581 ShortestUnsortedContinuousSubarray Easy
32 437 PathSumIII Easy
33 1 TwoSum Easy
34 118 Pascal'sTriangle Easy
35 160 IntersectionofTwoLinkedLists Easy
36 155 MinStack Easy
37 105 ConstructBinaryTreefromPreorderandInorderTraversal Medium
38 208 ImplementTrie(PrefixTree) Medium
39 494 TargetSum Medium
40 114 FlattenBinaryTreetoLinkedList Medium
41 394 DecodeString Medium
42 2 AddTwoNumbers Medium
43 5 LongestPalindromicSubstring Medium
44 543 DiameterofBinaryTree Easy
45 1379 FindaCorrespondingNodeofaBinaryTreeinaCloneofThatTree Medium
46 406 QueueReconstructionbyHeight Medium

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