I forgot the model test code with the image file, so I will output it.
Create an images directory in the public directory to place test images in your application files
Place images in the created images directory Example: (public/images/test image file)
class Item < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user
has_one_attached :image
validates :image, presence: true
validates seemed to be good with presence: true.
Write a description to open the image in the corresponding factories directory
A specified process can be executed after any process By doing after (: build), you can execute the specified process after the instance is built.
FactoryBot.define do
factory :item do
after(:build) do |item|
item.image.attach(io: File.open('public/images/Test image file'), filename: 'Test image file')
# io: File.File with the path set by open (public/images/test_image.png), test_image.Save as png file name
How to write in the file that describes the test code (item_spec.rb file this time)
it 'Cannot be saved if name is empty' do
@item.name = ''
expect(@item.errors.full_messages).to include("Name can't be blank")
it 'Cannot be saved without the product image' do
@item.image = nil #← When using Active Storage""If so, an error will occur, so use nil to create a blank.
expect(@item.errors.full_messages).to include("Image can't be blank")
Until now, it was unified with "", but I learned from this test code. I think there are other ways to apply validation and write test code, but for the time being, the test code has turned green, so it seems to be working.
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