Java Servlet / JSP Request Scope Part 2

What is request scope?

A request scope </ font> is generated for each request. The saved instance will be available until a response is returned. This scope allows you to share an instance between the forward source and the forward destination.

The identity of the request scope

Request scope operations are achieved by using the methods of the HttpServletRequest instance.

Save to request scope

request.setAttribute("Attribute name" <String>,instance<Object>);

Get an instance from the request scope

Acquired type name= (Acquisition type) request.getAttribute("Attribute name" <String>);

Sample program

protected void doGet (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

  //Instance generation
  Human human = new Human("Max", 25);

  //Save instance in request scope
  request.setAttribute("human", human);

  //Get an instance from the request scope
  Human h = (Human) request.getAttribute("human");

Sample program --JSP file-

When using request scope in a JSP file, use the implicit object "request".

Use request scope in JSP file

<%@ page import="model.Human" %>
//Get an instance from the request scope
Human h = (Human) request.getAttribute("human");
<%= h.getName() %>You are<%= h.getAge() %>I'm old.

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