[PHP] Inheritance, protected and reference patterns

Ordinary inherited child → parent reference

Rather than a reference, the child class just has $ parentName defined (inherited).


class ParentClass1
    protected string $parentName = "parent\n";

class ChildClass1 extends ParentClass1
    public function getParentName(): void
        echo $this->parentName;

$child = new ChildClass1;


Static reference Difference between parent and self


class ParentClass2
    protected static string $parentName = "parent\n";

class ChildClass2 extends ParentClass2
    public static function getParentName(): void
        // parent::$parentName and self::$parentName is the same

        echo "test1:" . parent::$parentName;
        echo "test2:" . self::$parentName;   //Inheriting the definition=Has parentName as its own property

        self::$parentName = "child\n";       //Substitution
        echo "test3:" . parent::$parentName;
        echo "test4:" . self::$parentName;   //Inheriting the definition=Has parentName as its own property


test1:parent test2:parent test3:child test4:child


class ParentClass3
    protected static string $parentName = "parent\n";

class ChildClass3 extends ParentClass3
    protected static string $parentName = "child\n"; //Difference from ChildClass2

    public static function getParentName ()
        //When you define a property with the same name in a child class
        // parent::$parentName and self::$parentName will be different

        echo "test1:" . parent::$parentName;
        echo "test2:" . self::$parentName;   //Has parentName as its own property

        self::$parentName = "child2\n";      //Substitution
        echo "test3:" . parent::$parentName;
        echo "test4:" . self::$parentName;   //Has parentName as its own property


test1:parent test2:child test3:parent test4:child2

Ordinary inheritance: Referencing a parent-to-child property (preface)

Same as ex1.php Rather than a reference, the child class just has parentFunction () defined (inherited).


class ParentClass4
    protected string $name = "parent\n";

    protected function parentFunction(): void
        echo $this->name;

class ChildClass4 extends ParentClass4
    protected string $name = "child\n";

    public function callParentFunction(): void

$child = new ChildClass4;


Static reference What self points to and delayed static binding

self is the method or property of its owner, static makes child methods and properties visible


class ParentClass5
    protected static string $name = "parent\n";

    protected static function parentFunction(): void
        echo self::$name;
        echo static::$name; //Delayed static binding

class ChildClass5 extends ParentClass5
    protected static string $name = "child\n";

    public static function callParentFunction(): void
        // parent::parentFunction and self::The status of parentFunction
        // ex2_1.php, ex2_2.See php


parent child


class ParentClass6
    protected static string $name = "parent\n";

    protected static function parentFunction(): void
        echo self::$name;
        echo static::$name; //Delayed static binding

class ChildClass6 extends ParentClass6
    protected static string $name = "child\n";

    protected static function parentFunction(): void // ex3_2.Difference from php
        echo self::$name;
        echo static::$name;

    public static function callParentFunction(): void
        // parent::parentFunction and self::The status of parentFunction
        // ex2_1.php, ex2_2.See php


child child

That parents can use the protected child class

Even if it says that it can be cross-referenced, it may not be very detailed because it has few uses. It seems that it can't be used with the \ # Factory pattern, but there are other ways to do it ...

Common misconceptions

\ # Because it's PHP


class ParentClass7
    public function getChildName(): void
        echo $this->name;

class ChildClass7 extends ParentClass7
    protected string $name = "child\n";

$parent = new ParentClass7;
$parent->getChildName();       // ""

$parent->name = "parent_name";
var_dump($parent);             //New public property added to parent class
$parent->getChildName();       //It works, but the definition of the child class is irrelevant

object(ParentClass7)#1 (1) {     ["name"]=>     string(11) "parent_name" } parent_name

If you look at the instance, you can read protected if there is extends, and you can not read it if there is no direct relationship.


class ParentClass8
    public function getChildName(): void
        $child = new ChildClass8; //An instance of this ChildClass($child)And myself($parent)Even if it doesn't seem to have a direct relationship with
        echo $child->name;        //By definition, child protected can be referenced if it is a parent and child

    public function callChildFunction(): void
        ChildClass8::childFunction(); //Even if it's not an instance.

class ChildClass8 extends ParentClass8
    protected string $name = "child\n";

    protected static function childFunction(): void
        echo "child_function\n";

$parent = new ParentClass8;

child child_function


class ParentClass9
    public function getChildName(ChildClass9 $child): void
        echo $child->name; //By definition, parent and child can refer to protected child

    public function callChildFunction(ChildClass9 $child): void

class ChildClass9 extends ParentClass9
    protected string $name = "child\n";

    protected function childFunction(): void
        echo "child_function\n";

$parent = new ParentClass9;
$child = new ChildClass9;
$parent->getChildName($child); //An instance of this ChildClass($child)And myself($parent)Even if there seems to be no direct relationship with

child child_function

Of course you can't read without extends


class ParentClass10
    public static function getChildName(): void
        $child = new ChildClass10;
        echo $child->name;

    public static function callChildFunction(): void

class ChildClass10 /* extends ParentClass10 */
    protected string $name = "child\n";

    protected static function childFunction(): void
        echo "child_function\n";


Error: Cannot access protected property ChildClass10::$name


Private of the same class can be read even if the instances are separated


class Test
    private string $name = "";

    public function __construct(string $name = "")
        $this->name = $name;

    public function getName(Test $instance): void
        echo $instance->name;

$instanceA = new Test("A");
$instanceB = new Test("B");



It's almost the same in other languages, so give it a try.

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