Extension of Python by C or C ++ (when there are multiple arguments, when passing a list from the Python side)

I made a little bit of it myself, so make a note

It was used when running a genetic algorithm. I feel better. .. .. As a bonus, I made a simple decimal-binary conversion and Gray code conversion. It's easy to use bitstring, but with the meaning of practice.

First of all, C code (part). The indentation is broken, but I wrote the same process many times, but the naming convention is random, but as a starting point. It's a little long, but it's the same.

By the way, I passed the List from the Python side and received it on the C side. Program is difficult ...

Reference (mainly API related) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5079570/writing-a-python-c-extension-how-to-correctly-load-a-pylistobject



Reference (bit operation, etc.) http://saeki-ce.xsrv.jp/index.html

Other wiki etc.


#include <Python.h>

#define LOWER_BOUND    0
#define UPPER_BOUND    1000
#define MAX_BIT_LENGTH 10

int binaryToValue(int *);

static PyObject *
valueToGray(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
  //return gray code
  int i, n, m, len;
  unsigned int num;
  int b[MAX_BIT_LENGTH];
  PyListObject *binary;
  binary = (PyListObject *) PyList_New(MAX_BIT_LENGTH);

  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &num)){
    return NULL;
  n = (num >> 1) ^ num; //Convert to gray code

  //Convert to binary
  for (i=0; n>0; i++){
    m=n%2;   //Divided by 2
    n=n/2;  //Divide by 2
    b[i] = m;

  len = i; //Length when converted to binary number of integer

  //Add 0 to Niketsu so that it becomes 10bit
  for (i=len; i<MAX_BIT_LENGTH; i++ ){
    b[i] = 0;
  //Copy the bit string that was in reverse order in binary order
  n = 0;
  for (i=MAX_BIT_LENGTH-1; i>=0; i--){
  //Put an int type value in gray one bit at a time
    PyList_SET_ITEM(binary, n++, Py_BuildValue("i", b[i]));

  return Py_BuildValue("O", binary);

static PyObject *
make_individual(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)

  int b[MAX_BIT_LENGTH];
  int m,n,i,len;
  unsigned int min, max;
  unsigned int random_int;
  unsigned int gray_int;

  PyListObject *gray; //Representing a python list object
  gray = (PyListObject *) PyList_New(MAX_BIT_LENGTH); //Size is MAX~Make a list of

  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ii", &min, &max)){ //When there are multiple arguments, write them side by side like ii
    return NULL;

  if (min < LOWER_BOUND){
  else if (max > UPPER_BOUND){
  //Randomly generate an integer
  random_int = min + (int)(rand()*(max-min+1.0)/(1.0+RAND_MAX));
  gray_int = (random_int >> 1) ^ random_int; //Convert to gray code

  n = gray_int;
  //Convert to binary
  for (i=0; n>0; i++){
    m=n%2;   //Divided by 2
    n=n/2;  //Divide by 2
    b[i] = m;

  len = i; //Length when converted to binary number of integer

  //Add 0 to Niketsu so that it becomes 10bit
  for (i=len; i<MAX_BIT_LENGTH; i++ ){
    b[i] = 0;
  //Copy the bit string that was in reverse order in binary order
  n = 0;
  for (i=MAX_BIT_LENGTH-1; i>=0; i--){
  //Put an int type value in gray one bit at a time
    PyList_SET_ITEM(gray, n++, Py_BuildValue("i", b[i]));

  return Py_BuildValue("O", gray);

static PyObject *
grayToBinary(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)

  unsigned int num;
  unsigned int mask;
  int m,n,i,len;
  int b[MAX_BIT_LENGTH], inputed_binary[MAX_BIT_LENGTH];
  PyListObject *binary; //Representing a python list object
  PyObject *get_list;
  binary = (PyListObject *) PyList_New(MAX_BIT_LENGTH); 

  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &get_list )){
    return NULL;
  if PyList_Check(get_list) {
      for (i=0; i<PyList_Size(get_list); i++){
	//Extract the contents of the list object while converting it so that it can be seen in C?(No confidence)
	inputed_binary[i] = PyInt_AsSsize_t(PyList_GetItem(get_list, (Py_ssize_t)i)); //ok
  num = binaryToValue(inputed_binary);
  for (mask = num >> 1; mask != 0; mask = mask >> 1){
    //Undo from gray code
    num = num ^ mask;
  n = num;
  //Convert to binary
  for (i=0; n>0; i++){
    m=n%2;   //Divided by 2
    n=n/2;  //Divide by 2
    b[i] = m;

  len = i; //Length when converted to binary number of integer

  //Add 0 to Niketsu so that it becomes 10bit
  for (i=len; i<MAX_BIT_LENGTH; i++ ){
    b[i] = 0;
  //Copy the bit string that was in reverse order in binary order
  n = 0;
  for (i=MAX_BIT_LENGTH-1; i>=0; i--){
    //Put an int type value in binary one bit at a time
    PyList_SET_ITEM(binary, n++, Py_BuildValue("i", b[i]));

  return Py_BuildValue("O", binary);

int binaryToValue(int *b){
  //Convert a binary number to an integer
  int i,n;
  i=0; n=0;

  while(i < MAX_BIT_LENGTH){
    if (b[i] == 1) n+=1;
    if (i == MAX_BIT_LENGTH) break;
    //printf("%d\n", n);
  return n;

static PyObject *
binaryToPtype(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)

  int i,n;
  int inputed_binary[MAX_BIT_LENGTH];
  PyListObject *binary; //Representing a python list object
  PyObject *get_list;

  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &get_list )){ //Pass the python object as is
    return NULL;
  if PyList_Check(get_list) {
      for (i=0; i<PyList_Size(get_list); i++){
	inputed_binary[i] = PyInt_AsSsize_t(PyList_GetItem(get_list, (Py_ssize_t)i)); //ok
  i=0; n=0;

  while(i < MAX_BIT_LENGTH){
    if (inputed_binary[i] == 1) n+=1;
    if (i == MAX_BIT_LENGTH) break;
    //printf("%d\n", n);
  return Py_BuildValue("i", n);

static PyObject *
hello(PyObject *self)
    printf("Hello World!!\n");

static char ext_doc[] = "C extention module example\n";

static PyMethodDef methods[] = {
  {"hello", (PyCFunction)hello, METH_NOARGS, "print hello world.\n"},
  {"value_to_gray", valueToGray, METH_VARARGS, "return gray obj.\n"},
  {"make_individual", make_individual, METH_VARARGS, "return gray code.\n"},
  {"gray_to_binary", grayToBinary, METH_VARARGS, "return binary code.\n"},
  {"binary_to_ptype", binaryToPtype, METH_VARARGS, "return ptype value.\n"},

void initcbinarymethods(void)
    Py_InitModule3("cbinarymethods", methods, ext_doc);

As usual? Write setup.py.


from distutils.core import setup, Extension

module1 = Extension('cbinarymethods',
                    sources = ['cbinary.c'])

setup (name = 'cbinarymethods',
       version = '1.0',
       description = 'This is a demo package',
       ext_modules = [module1])

Again, build on the command line as usual.

$ python setup.py build_ext --inplace #--Add in place to make it current.It seems that so can be done

If you can build successfully, you have cbinarymethods.so.

Let's import it with python and use it

>>> import cbinarymethods as cbm
>>> i = cbm.make_individual(200, 250)
>>> i
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1]
>>> a = cbm.gray_to_binary([0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1])
>>> a
[0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0]

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