Error when deploying EC2 on CircleCI


Introduced CircleCI in a personal app, When I tried to deploy to EC2, I got some errors, so I will describe the solution.



version: 2
    #build job:Create and test a Docker container on CircleCI
            - image: alpine
            - checkout
            - run:
                name: Echo Test
                command: echo "CircleCI Test"
    #deploy job:SSH into EC2 and perform the deployment
            image: circleci/classic:edge
            - checkout
            #Call the private key registered with CircleCI
            - add_ssh_keys:
            #SSH using environment variables registered with CircleCI
            - run: ssh ${USER_NAME}@${HOST_NAME} 'cd /var/www/myapp && git pull origin master'
    version: 2
    # build_and_deploy job:Job called first
        #Call build and deploy jobs
            - build
            - deploy:
                    #Run the build job before the deploy job!
                    - build
                #Run the deploy job only if pushed to the master branch
                        only: master

Problems and solutions that occurred

① Error due to the port not being open

ssh: connect to host ************* port 22: Connection timed out

【solution】 Edit the inbound of the EC2 security group as follows. Note) For security reasons, it is preferable to use an intermediate server.

Port range Source
22 My IP〜

Port range Source
22 Custom

② Error due to mismatch of private key

(1) Execute the following command on EC2 to create a pem key (name it circleci-key etc. because it may conflict with other keys)

ssh-keygen -m pem

(2) Execute the following command in EC2 and copy the public key (key created in (1) to authorized_keys.

cat ~/.ssh/ >> authorized_keys

③ Execute the following command on EC2 to display the private key created in ①.

cat ~/.ssh/circleci-key

④ Set the displayed private key to CircleCI's SSH-Key (At this time, include ----- BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY ----- and ----- END RSA PRIVATE KEY -----)


In my case, this cleared the error, Please try it.


[How to use CircleCI]( % E3% 81% AF% EF% BC% 9Fec2% E3% 81% ABssh% E3% 81% 97% E3% 81% A6% E3% 83% 87% E3% 83% 97% E3% 83% AD% E3 % 82% A4% E8% 87% AA% E5% 8B% 95% E5% 8C% 96 /)

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