[Java] DB migration (Flyway)

Use Flyway, a DB migration (schema management) library. It is used for the following purposes. -Manage information about DB definitions and their changes in one place. -Automatically reproduce the latest DB status based on that information.

Settings for using Flyway in Maven project



Modify SpringBoot configuration file (application.yml)

By default, Spring Boot runs automatically when the flyway starts.


  baseline-on-migrate: true
  baselineVersionAsString: 0.0.0
  baseline-description: Initial

Added table definition file

Add the sql file to the following folder. src/main/resources/db/migration/

・ Migration file SQL file that describes the changes to be applied to the managed schema Create according to the following rules. V{version}__{description}.sql

Example) V0_0_1__createTable.sql

・ Repeatable migration file Used when you want to migrate objects such as views, procedures, and functions. Create according to the following rules. R__{description}.sql

Example) R__createView.sql

Official site


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