Check when double-byte characters are garbled when storing the information acquired by API etc. in the MySQL database.


It is similar to a memo that the acquired double-byte characters are garbled and have been confirmed and resolved.


Data obtained by using Java's Http Client I'm trying to connect to MySQL using a JDBC driver and put it in the DB.

That one

Did you cast the usual spell when you created the table? The usual spells are:

set character_set_client = utf8;
set character_set_connection = utf8;




The point is to cast the spell before casting the SQL, If you're worried, cast the spell at the end of the CREATE TABLE statement.

To that

Are you casting a spell when building a request with HttpClient?

HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder().version(Version.HTTP_2).build();
Builder requestBuilder = HttpRequest.newBuilder().uri(uri).setHeader("Content-type","application/json; charset=UTF-8");
HttpRequest request =;

The charset = UTF-8 behind setHeader is the spell.

That person

Are you casting spells in the JDBC driver settings?

The above is the connection destination and mydb is the database name. Notice the subsequent ? UseUnicode = true & characterEncoding = utf8. I'm casting a spell.

at the end

In my case, that solved. I've implemented something similar in exactly the same environment, but at that time the characters weren't garbled ...

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