I won't have a hard time anymore. .. Multi-process using Python's standard library.


Multi-process, let's do it easily. But I was a little stuck in the way and I couldn't save time after all. .. ?? ??

It's impossible. .. .. .. .. Ordinarily for sentence. .. .. ..

I want such a person to read it.

Use Python's standard ProcessPool Executor and functools.partial to comfortably multi-process parallel calculations. What you can use is a loss if you don't use it, right? ??

Situation explanation


def my_function(arg1):
    for i in range(100):
        'It ’s a very heavy process.'

if __name__ == "__main__":

You write this way without thinking about anything, right? In such a case, there are 100 processes, but I want to easily perform parallel processes in multiple processes. .. ..

Easy way

  1. Rewrite the function a bit.
  2. Import ProcessPoolExecutor.
  3. Import functools.partial and map the function.

1. Rewrite the function a bit.

Write the previous my_function like this.


def my_function(index, arg1):
    return some_operation(index)

In other words, instead of writing a loop, it's like passing an index and processing it one by one.

2. Import ProcessPoolExecutor.

First, write as follows.


import os
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor

max_workers = os.cpu_count() or 4
print('=====MAX WORKER========')

with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:

max_workersStores the number of available processes. If it cannot be stored, in this example4Is entered.

3. Import functools.partial and map the function.

Next, write like this.


import functools

with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
    result_list = list(executor.map(functools.partial(my_function, arg1), range(100)))

Only this. To explain a little, the operations that I used to write in a loop and append to `` `result_list my_funtion```To execute the operation at each index in multiple processes by passing the index to.

functools.partial is a function (my_Change some of the arguments of function) and return each function with different arguments as a function iterator. At this time, my_function(index, arg1)As you can see, there is only one argument that can be changed, which is the first argument of the function.**Caution!!**

 Furthermore, executor.map executes the index, which is the first variable passed to the `` my_function```, in parallel in each of the iterator range (100), and stores each execution result in the list.
 This is exactly the same as when I was appending to ``` result_list``` in each loop.

## Summary
 Multi-process that you want to do to save even a little time. It's painful to end up having a hard time writing multi-processes and taking a lot of time. .. ..
 This time, I introduced a multi-process that you can write using only the Python standard library quite easily! !!


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