How to deal with SQLite3 :: BusyException that occurs when uploading a large number of images using ActiveStorage in seeds.rb etc.

Problems that occur

When running Rails rails db: seed, the following error may occur.

$ rails db:seed
rails aborted!
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::BusyException: database is locked
/path-to-your-app/db/seeds.rb:69:in `<main>'

Code example where an error occurs

The code around the error is as follows.

# ...


100.times do |n|
  user = User.create!(
    email: "sample-#{n}",
    password: 'password',
  image_url = Faker::Avatar.image(slug:, size: '150x150')
  #Set up avatar using Active Storage
  user.avatar.attach(io: URI.parse(image_url).open, filename: 'avatar.png')

# ...

In addition, this application uses SQLite3.

default: &default
  adapter: sqlite3
  pool: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } %>
  timeout: 5000

  <<: *default
  database: db/development.sqlite3

Cause of the error

This error is caused by two factors:

--Since ActiveStorage is used, images are uploaded and deleted asynchronously. --SQLite3 is vulnerable to concurrency (Reference)

When User.destroy_all is executed, the image deletion process is executed asynchronously for the existing data. If you have a large amount of existing data, read and write queries will be issued to the database in parallel.

Similarly, user.avatar.attach also performs image upload processing asynchronously. In the above code example, we tried to create 100 user data, so read and write queries are also issued to the database in parallel.

SQLite3 :: BusyException occurs when SQLiter3 cannot withstand concurrency.

Error workaround

Considering the performance restrictions of SQLite3, delete and upload images should be performed synchronously. Specifically, add the following two lines to config/seeds.rb.

+ActiveStorage::AnalyzeJob.queue_adapter = :inline
+ActiveStorage::PurgeJob.queue_adapter = :inline


 100.times do |n|
   user = User.create!(
     email: "sample-#{n}",
     password: 'password',
   image_url = Faker::Avatar.image(slug:, size: '150x150')
   user.avatar.attach(io: URI.parse(image_url).open, filename: 'avatar.png')

ActiveStorage :: AnalyzeJob is a class of ActiveJob used at the time of upload and ActiveStorage :: PurgeJob is used at the time of deletion. By changing this queue_adapter to: inline, you can upload and delete images synchronously.


Operation check environment

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