[PYTHON] 765 I tried to identify the three professional families by CNN (with Chainer 2.0.0)

At the deep learning study session in the laboratory, I decided to try something, so I tried to identify the original three families of Idolmaster by CNN.

The result is like this

out4.png (I borrowed this image from http://idolmaster.jp/images/event/9th/goods/img_goods37.jpg. If there is a problem, I will delete it.)

I thought about it and it took about 10 hours. I am grateful to the code published by various people.


· MacOS X El Capitan ・ Python 3.5.2 ・ OpenCV 3.1.0 ・ Anaconda3-4.2.0 ・ Chainer 2.0.0 ・ PIL Such

If you put OpenCV in conda and put Chainer or something in it, it's easy.

data set

Download google image with python3 I borrowed this person's code and collected about 100 images of each of the three people.

I also collected other images for other purposes.

"100 sheets? Little!" You might think, but this time it worked. Is it because the features are easy to understand?

Face cutout

Estimate who's face using OpenCV (Eigenface, Fisherface, LBPH) Based on this code, I cut it out and saved it.

The size is 32x32.

The change is lbpcascade_animeface.xml for anime face detection by OpenCV The "lbpcascade_animeface.xml" distributed in is used for the feature detector and the color can be saved.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import cv2, os
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

#The original image
train_path = 'Original image folder path'

#Anime face feature classifier
cascadePath = "lbpcascade_animeface.xml"
faceCascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cascadePath)

#Get the image in the specified path
def get_images_and_labels(path):
    #Array to store images
    images = []
    #Array to store labels
    labels = []
    #Array to store file names
    files = []
    i = 0
    for f in os.listdir(path):
        #Image path
        image_path = os.path.join(path, f)
        #Load image
        image_pil = Image.open(image_path)
        #Stored in an array of NumPy
        image = np.array(image_pil, 'uint8')
        #Detect faces with an animated face feature classifier
        faces = faceCascade.detectMultiScale(image)
        #Processing of detected face image
        for (x, y, w, h) in faces:
            #Resize face to 32x32 size
            roi = cv2.resize(image[y: y + h, x: x + w], (32, 32), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
            #Store images in an array
            #Store filenames in an array
            save_path = './Export folder path/' + str(i) + '.jpg'
            #If you save it as it is, it will be bluish (not RGB)
            cv2.imwrite(save_path, roi[:, :, ::-1].copy())


    return images

images = get_images_and_labels(train_path)

#End processing

It worked without padding the data.


python: Use chainer to recognize Bakemonogatari characters! ~ Part5 Multi-value classification by major characters (applicable to unknown data) ~ Based on this article, I rewrote it to run with chainer 2.0.0.

The point is

    train = tuple_dataset.TupleDataset(X_train, y_train)
    test = tuple_dataset.TupleDataset(X_test, y_test)

    train_iter = chainer.iterators.SerialIterator(train, args.batchsize)
    test_iter = chainer.iterators.SerialIterator(test, args.batchsize,
                                                 repeat=False, shuffle=False)

    # Set up a trainer
    updater = training.StandardUpdater(train_iter, optimizer, device=args.gpu)
    trainer = training.Trainer(updater, (args.epoch, 'epoch'), out="output")

    # Evaluate the model with the test dataset for each epoch
    trainer.extend(extensions.Evaluator(test_iter, model, device=args.gpu))

By replacing the "learning and testing" of the original code, trainer and updater run. later

model = L.Classifier(clf_bake())

I changed the layer to L.Convolution2D, and replaced def forward with def call.

The model looks like this when visualized


Learning results

I turned 30 epoch on the CPU. Even if you don't use GPU, it's fast if it's about 4 layers. スクリーンショット 2017-07-02 13.45.10.png

loss loss.png

accuracy accuracy.png

Even though there are about 100 data sets, 85% of val / accuracy is quite amazing. I was surprised when I turned it for the first time.

CNN is amazing!

Unknown data estimation

Most of them also use python: chainer to recognize Bakemonogatari characters! ~ Part5 Multi-value classification by main characters (applicable to unknown data) ~ is based on the article.

The point is to load the model

model = L.Classifier(clf_bake())

chainer.serializers.load_npz("output/model_snapshot_500", model) 

Using Classifier like

The return value of the recognition function

def recognition(image, faces):


return model.predictor(face_images) , image

Is to be.


It's fun because you can see the results immediately. It's fun to prepare your own data set and try it.

Let's try more classes this time.

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