Workspace location when using Jenkins Pipeline

When I was using Pipeline with Jenkins2, I suddenly noticed that the workspace was not displayed in the GUI. It was convenient to drop the artifacts made by the build locally, but I thought that, so I made a note.

It was here before using Pipeline

It was convenient to access immediately ... 以前のworkspace.PNG

I was moved here for a Pipeline job

  1. Transition to the job execution result page PipeleneWorkspace1.png

  2. Click Pipeline Steps PipeleneWorkspace2.png

  3. Click Allocate node: Start PipeleneWorkspace3.png

  4. It was here! PipeleneWorkspace4.png

Why it doesn't appear in the side menu

That's because the workspace is created for each node. (Pipeline job can create multiple nodes) I understand the theory, but I wish there were as many workspaces as there were nodes in the menu.

Reference material

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