[LINUX] Edit and save read-only files with vim

When I tried to edit the readonly file on EC2, it got stuck for a moment, so make a note. There are two ways to do it.

Method 1: Add the sudo command when opening the file

The simplest and easiest way.


$sudo vim Select the file you want to edit

After editing with vim, you can save it with: wq as usual.

Method 2: Forcibly save the edited file with readonly

I think this is the most common pattern. I'm writing this because I became. No, I haven't run it with sudo after editing! Even if it becomes, just hit the following command without being impatient.


:w !sudo tee % 
#The contents are output

The meaning of each ** w **: Save **! **: Instruct subsequent commands ** sudo **: Run with administrator privileges ** tee **: A command that outputs a file and standard output at the same time. File overwrite is possible when combined with sudo **% **: Specify the currently open file

Then end with: q !.



This will save it safely.

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