[PYTHON] Scraping google search (image)

I referred to the following site. https://qiita.com/taedookim/items/63759e79426514c8a729

Clone from github

Use google-images-download. The head family seems to have stopped updating, so from the fork destination.

git clone https://github.com/Joeclinton1/google-images-download.git

Copy the following file to the location you want to use, edit a little

Download folder \ google-images-download \ google_images_download \ google_images_download.py

google_images_download.py line 935

NG: json_file = json.load(open(arguments['config_file']))
OK: json_file = json.load(open(arguments['config_file'], encoding='utf-8'))

Now you can search in Japanese.

Create the following python file in the copy destination folder


import os

from google_images_download import googleimagesdownload   #importing the library

#Change the current directory to the folder containing the executable file
print('Changed current working directory')

response = googleimagesdownload()   #class instantiation
paths = response.download({"config_file": "config.json"})   #passing the arguments to the function
print(paths)   #printing absolute paths of the downloaded images

Copy the version of Chromedriver you are using to the same folder

Download from below https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads

Rename and edit sample_config.json to config.json

Once this is done, it will be available. It seems that you can set multiple search queries.

Renaming is unnecessary, but sample will be inappropriate.


    "Records": [
            "keywords": "apple",
            "limit": 5,
            "color": "green",
            "print_urls": true
            "keywords": "universe",
            "limit": 15,
            "size": "large",
            "print_urls": true

Run image_scraper.py

From VS Code or from the console.

How to use config.json

Details (English) https://google-images-download.readthedocs.io/en/latest/arguments.html

Basic structure

Observe the following structure. If "limit" is 100 or more, "chrome driver" is required.

    "Records": [
            "keywords": "hoge",
            "limit": 777,
            "format": "png",
            "print_urls": true,
            "chromedriver": "chromedriver.exe"

Valid options, choices, etc.

Settings Key value
Maximum number of images "limit" Integer, such as 200
Image format "format" "jpg", "gif", "png", "bmp", "svg", "webp", "ico", "raw"
Related images "related_images" true, false
size "size" "large", "medium", "icon", ">400300", ">640480", ">800600", ">1024768", ">2MP", ">4MP", ">6MP", ">8MP", ">10MP", ">12MP", ">15MP", ">20MP", ">40MP", ">70MP"
Aspect ratio "aspect_ratio" "tall", "square", "wide", "panoramic"
color "color" "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "teal", "blue", "purple", "pink", "white", "gray", "black", "brown"
color "color_type" "full-color", "black-and-white", "transparent"
type "type" "face", "photo", "clip-art", "line-drawing", "animated"
time "time" "past-24-hours", "past-7-days", "past-month", "past-year"
period "time_range" ‘{“time_min”:”MM/DD/YYYY”,”time_max”:”MM/DD/YYYY”}’
license "usage_rights" "labeled-for-reuse-with-modifications","labeled-for-reuse", "labeled-for-noncommercial-reuse-with-modification", "labeled-for-nocommercial-reuse"
Console output "print_urls" true, false
chromedriver "chromedriver" "chromedriver.exe"

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