Sound pressure level FFT (Python)


What are the characteristics (natural frequency, order sound, etc.) of the measured time signal in the frequency domain? I will share the program code of ** FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) **, which is one of the signal processing methods used when investigating.


・ The basic concept will be omitted because it was explained by another person. ・ This is my first post, so I would appreciate it if you could watch over with warm eyes. ・ PyCharm 2020.3.2 (Community Edition)


In the articles I have read so far, I could not find a graph with frequency [Hz] on the horizontal axis and sound pressure level [dB] or noise level [dBA] on the vertical axis (only insufficient research). So, this time, I will try frequency analysis by [dB].

FFT condition of data to be analyzed

-The analysis target is the tapping sound data when the outer wall tile is vibrated once per second for 10 seconds in a white noise environment. ・ Sampling rate fs: 8192 Hz ・ FFT block size block_size: 8192 points ・ Overlap overlap: 0.75 ・ Frequency resolution df: 1.0 Hz ・ Time required for one FFT: 1.0 sec ・ Number of tapping sound measurement microphone channels: 1 ch speaker_750Hz_応答点.png


import numpy as np  #Numerical library
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  #Drawing library
import japanize_matplotlib  #Japanese localization of graph axis labels and legends
import scipy.integrate as si  #Integral
import scipy.signal as ss  
import sympy as sp  #Necessary to calculate how many FFTs must be done after setting the FFT conditions

FFT code

def fft(data, fs, block_size, output_ch, overlap):
    max_frequency = fs / 2.56  #Upper limit analysis frequency
    line_number = block_size / 2.56  #Number of lines
    df = max_frequency / line_number  #Frequency resolution
    dt = 1 / fs
    block_size_range = np.arange(0, block_size, 1)
    nf = / 2) + 1)  #Nyquist frequency
    nf_line = (block_size_range / (dt * block_size))[:nf]  #Frequency axis

    impact_time_data = data[:, 0]  #Time waveform of hammer with force sensor attached (impulse input)
    output_time_data = data[:, 1]  #Response point microphone (microphone dedicated to striking sound measurement)

    time_line = np.arange(0, data.shape[0] / fs, dt)  #Time axis

    # def time_graph():
    #     plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 30
    #     plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    #     plt.plot(time_line, output_time_data, label='Response point microphone', linewidth=1, color='C1')
    #     plt.ylabel('Sound pressure[Pa]')
    #     plt.xlabel('time[s]')
    #     plt.xlim(0, 1)
    #     plt.ylim(-5, 5)
    #     plt.yticks(np.arange(-5, 6, 1))
    #     plt.grid(True)
    #     plt.legend(loc="upper right", borderaxespad=0, edgecolor='black', framealpha=1, fancybox=False)
    #     plt.tight_layout()
    #     plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    #     plt.plot(time_line, impact_time_data, label='Vibration hammer', linewidth=1, color='C2')
    #     plt.xlabel('time[s]')
    #     plt.ylabel('Power[N]')
    #     plt.xlim(0, 1)
    #     plt.ylim(0, 50)
    #     plt.grid(True)
    #     plt.legend(loc="upper right", borderaxespad=0, edgecolor='black', framealpha=1, fancybox=False)
    #     plt.tight_layout()

    # time_graph()

    "iteration calculation"
    n = sp.Symbol('n')
    right = 0 + (n - 1) * block_size * (1 - overlap)
    left = data.shape[0] - block_size
    zero = right - left
    iteration =[0])

    "FFT starting point"
    start_point = [ + (i - 1) * block_size * (1 - overlap))
        for i in range(1, iteration + 1)

    output_use = [
        np.reshape(output_time_data[start_point[i]:start_point[i] + block_size], (block_size, output_ch))
        for i in range(iteration)

  "Simple integration"
    def hanning_integral():
        global hanning_simpson
        hanning_simpson = si.simps(np.hanning(block_size), dx=1 / fs)
        hanning_correction = 1 / hanning_simpson
        print('hanning_The window loss rate is{0}'.format(hanning_simpson))
        print('So relatively{0}Need to double'.format(hanning_correction))

        return hanning_correction

    hanning_window_correction = hanning_integral()

    "Exact solution"
    def exact_solution(x):
        hanning_formula = 0.5 - 0.5 * sp.cos(2 * np.pi * x)
        return hanning_formula

    global hanning_integration
    hanning_integration = si.quad(exact_solution, 0, 1)
    print('Exact solution{0} '.format(1 / hanning_integration[0]))

    # FFT
    output_fft = [
            ((np.fft.fft(np.hanning(block_size) * output_use[i][:, j])[:nf]) /
             block_size) * (2 * 1 / hanning_integration[0])
            for i in range(iteration)
        for j in range(output_ch)

    '--------------------Matrix size conversion (FFT repeat count x number of response point channels)--------------------'
    output_reshape1 = [
        np.reshape(output_fft[j], (iteration, nf))
        for j in range(output_ch)

    output_reshape2 = [
            output_reshape1[j][:, k]
            for j in range(output_ch)
        for k in range(nf)

    output_reshape3 = [
        np.reshape(output_reshape2[k], (output_ch, iteration)).T
        for k in range(nf)

    '--------------------Sound pressure level--------------------'
    output_dB = [
        20 * np.log10(np.sqrt(np.mean(np.power(np.abs(output_reshape3[k]), 2), axis=0)) / 2e-5)
        for k in range(nf)
    output_dB = np.reshape(output_dB, (nf, output_ch))

    # def fft_graph():
    #     plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    #     plt.plot(nf_line, output_dB, color='C0', linewidth=3, label="Response point")
    #     plt.xlim(0, 2000)
    #     plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 2200, 200))
    #     plt.axvspan(1020, 1100, color='green', alpha=0.3)
    #     plt.ylim(0, 80)
    #     plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 90, 10))
    #     plt.xlabel('frequency[Hz]')
    #     plt.ylabel("Sound pressure level[dB]")
    #     plt.grid(True)
    #     plt.legend(loc="upper right", borderaxespad=0, edgecolor='black', framealpha=1, fancybox=False)
    #     plt.tight_layout()
    #     pass
    # fft_graph()
    return output_reshape3, nf, nf_line, output_dB, iteration, fs, block_size,  output_ch, overlap

Explanation for each part

iteration calculation (FFT iteration count)

If you set the overlap, the FFT will be performed multiple times in a row, but you need to calculate how many times you have to FFT. The number of sound pressure signal data measured this time is 81920 (sampling rate x measurement time). 75% overlap is the same as 25% off the FFT 1 block from the first FFT start, right? (Figure below) オーバーラップ.png So, can the starting point for repeated FFT be treated as an arithmetic progression with the first term being 0 (Because it is Python, the Index starts from 0) and the intersection being 2048 (8192 points x 0.25)? $ a (n) = 0 + (n-1) blocksize (1-overlap) (n is the number of FFT iterations. I want to know this!) $ This expression is the "right" part of the program code. However, this arithmetic progression alone does not give the number of FFT iterations! That's right. When does the arithmetic progression end? Information is required. Therefore, let's consider the FFT start point when the last FFT is performed. The last FFT is when the data index is 73728 (81920-8192). 最終.png The number of FFT repetitions can be found by finding n at the 73728th time. $ 0 + (n-1) blocksize (1-overlap) = total number of data --blockzie $ The formula here is the "left" part of the program code. $ iteration = n = \ frac {total number of data --blocksize x overlap} {blocksize (1 --overlap)} $

How much amplitude is lost in the raw data in the window function?

Here, the calculation of the correction amount is explained. By applying a hanning window, both ends of the FFT 1 block will always be 0, and leakage errors can be prevented. In response to this merit, the signal was changed by force, so it is necessary to correct it and return it. Here, let's calculate the area when the window function is not applied and when the Hanning window is applied. ハニングウィンドウ.png The area is the area below the line of the Hanning window. So the area is compared to when you can't write anything in the window

hanning_simpson = si.simps(np.hanning(block_size), dx=1 / fs)

This will be smaller. Therefore, it is necessary to correct and return (in short, multiply by the reciprocal) as it becomes smaller.

Function call

noise_impact_output_ffts, nf, nf_line, noise_impact_output_ffts_dB, ffts_iteration, fs, block_size, output_ch, overlap = fft(data=noise_impact, fs=8192, block_size=8192, output_ch=1, overlap=0.75)

Results obtained

noise+impact 39 FFTS.png FFT of white noise + tapping sound data gave such a result. Originally, the resonance point of the tapping sound should appear in the figure, but it is considered that the tapping sound component was buried in the noise when the vibration was applied in the white noise environment this time. (It would have been better to analyze the data excited in a quiet environment ...) Also, it can be seen that the signal is a constant signal of about 50 dB at all frequencies without paying attention to the resonance frequency. Therefore, it matches the characteristics of white noise. ** This time, FFT was performed using all the data, but since the tapping sound is instantaneous, the FFT should be performed after trimming 1 second around the moment when the force is input. (I will write it in another article.) **

How was it?

Thank you for reading this far. This time, I tried frequency analysis in dB notation considering human auditory characteristics. I hope this article helps someone.


Tag name change (Python3➡Python)

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