[PYTHON] Try the Taxii server (2. Service / Collection settings)

Following the previous, try the taxii server.

This time, check the services and collections settings.

--services settings

Let's take a look at the contents of the configuration file. For the configuration file, refer to ʻexamples / services.yml`.

  1. inbox

    Setting Description
    id: inbox Refers to the name of the service
    Can be changed to any name
    type: inbox Describe what kind of service is in charge on the taxii server
    - inbox:Accept when posting data to the server
    address: /services/inbox Specify which URL to receive the response from the client
    description: Custom Inbox Service Description Service description
    destination_collection_required: yes Specifies whether the destination collection is required(yes/no)
    accept_all_content: yes Specify if all content is accessible(yes/no)
    authentication_required: yes Specifies whether authentication is required(yes/no)
    When authenticating, key authentication or ID/Specify Pass
      - urn:taxii.mitre.org:protocol:http:1.0
    Specify the protocol to access the server
  2. discovery

    Setting Description
    id: discovery Refers to the name of the service
    Can be changed to any name
    type: discovery Describe what kind of service is in charge on the taxii server
    - DISCOVERY:What service the server is(function)To refer to
    address: /services/discovery Specify which URL to receive the response from the client
    description: Custom Discovery Service description Service description
      - inbox
      - discovery
      - collection_management
      - poll
    Specify which services are available to the client
      - urn:taxii.mitre.org:protocol:http:1.0
      - urn:taxii.mitre.org:protocol:https:1.0
    Specify the protocol to access the server
  3. collection_management

    Setting Description
    id: collection_management Refers to the name of the service
    Can be changed to any name
    type: collection_management Describe what kind of service is in charge on the taxii server
    - COLLECTION_MANAGEMENT:Browse the data feed provided by the server
    address: /services/collection-management Specify which URL to receive the response from the client
    description: Custom Collection Management Service description Service description
      - urn:taxii.mitre.org:protocol:http:1.0
      - urn:taxii.mitre.org:protocol:https:1.0
    Specify the protocol to access the server
  4. poll

    Setting Description
    id: poll Refers to the name of the service
    Can be changed to any name
    type: poll Describe what kind of service is in charge on the taxii server
    - POLL:Refer to the data stored in the server
    address: /services/poll Specify which URL to receive the response from the client
    description: Custom Poll Service description Service description
    subscription_required: no (I still don't understand the content)(yes/no)
    max_result_count: 100 Specify the maximum number of data to pass to the client
    max_result_size: 10 Specifies the maximum data size to pass to the client
      - urn:taxii.mitre.org:protocol:http:1.0
    Specify the protocol to access the server

    # opentaxii-create-services -c examples/services.yml

This command creates a service. If you want to modify it, execute this command.

--collections settings

For the configuration file, refer to ʻexamples / collections.yml`.

Setting Description
name: collection name of collection
available: true Whether it is available or not(true/false)
accept_all_content: true Whether all data is accessible(true/false)
type: DATA_SET Handling of data in collection(DATA_SET/DATA_FEED)
  - inbox
  - collection_management
  - poll
Services to apply
  - urn:stix.mitre.org:xml:1.1.1
  - urn:custom.bindings.com:json:0.0.1
Formats supported by posted content

# opentaxii-create-collections -c examples/collections.yml

This command creates a collection. If you want to modify it, execute this command.

Next time, I would like to check the settings for starting the server as a production environment.

Reference site

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