[Docker] How to solve the error function not implemented @ io_fread ~ [Super easy]

Let's start with the solution

Just restart the Docker desktop app! !!

That was all, what was the time so far ... With Docker for Window, right-click the whale icon at the bottom right and press Restart. (See image ↓)

スクリーンショット 2020-09-24 202325.png スクリーンショット 2020-09-24 202344.png

Background of the error

When I built a new Docker environment to run the Rails application cloned from github and played around with it, for some reason the Docker container that was working normally in other projects suddenly stopped starting.


error contents

・ ・ ・ (Omitted) Function not implemented@ io_fread (directory or file name)

I was impatient with an error I had never seen. It was the beginning of hell that I wondered why the Docker container, which is a virtual environment, would not affect other containers, and messed with the Dockerfile. You couldn't isolate the cause at all.

Thank you for watching until the end.

I hope it helps you to solve the error! !!

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