I tried to find mistakes in Saizeriya's Italian ingredients using OpenCV.
Carefully cut out the two images so that they have the same pixel size, and save them in png format.
Import libraries such as OpenCV.
import os
import subprocess
from PIL import Image
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
Store the cut out image file in the dir1 folder. Next, set the image size to 300 * 300px and store it in the dir2 folder.
dir1 = 'png'
dir2 = 'png_resize'
files1 = os.listdir(dir1)
for file in files1:
if '.png' in file:
img0 = os.path.join(dir1, file)
img0_img = Image.open(img0)
img1_img = img0_img.resize((300,300))
img1 = os.path.join(dir2, file)
# s1.png
# s2.png
Divide the image vertically and horizontally by 300 to get the b value. If the number of divisions is a fraction of 300, it is OK, but if you set it to 300, which is Max, the accuracy of the difference image will be the highest.
dir2 = 'png_resize'
files2 = os.listdir(dir2)
std_data2 =[]
image_data2 = []
grid =300 #Division number
for file in files2:
if '.png' in file:
img = cv2.imread('./png_resize/' + file)
h, w, c = img.shape
v_split = grid
h_split = grid
_img = img[:h // v_split * v_split, :w // h_split * h_split]
image_data =[]
for h_img in np.vsplit(_img, v_split):
for v_img in np.hsplit(h_img, h_split):
b, g, r = cv2.split(v_img)
value = round(b.mean())/100
Find the difference and create an image.
image_array2 = np.array(image_data2)
dif_array = image_array2[0] - image_array2[1]
There are some parts that are difficult to understand, but it seems that all of them have been detected.
It's a simple method, but I think it can be used enough to find mistakes. I will try even more difficult tasks.
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