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I read "Mizuho Bank System Integration, 19 Years of Struggle".

For the time being, I will search for hints from here and learn from them.

As the tag says, I will continue to study java, Justware, RHEL, and HiRDB.

Since java can run on laptops, there is no problem with sample implementation or anything.

Let's borrow AWS for database-related things. I don't want to put in too much data, and I'm in trouble if the operation becomes heavy. I don't want to put too much load on the fan because the fan keeps rotating abnormally for various reasons.

Justware will take a look and steal if there is a chance. Don't expect to be taught. That's right. Does that mean that people waiting for instructions shouldn't?

What about RHEL? This laptop also works by screwing ubuntu in because the Mac was damaged by water, and I think it can be booted, but I'm working from home. It is a problem that there is no means of communication or development environment. Let's wait for the opportunity. I wonder if I should go see it on a used laptop once the corona is settled. Is it free? What if I pay? I would like to use it if there is a company one. If it's free, if you have an iso file, make a LiveUSB and try it.

There seems to be a free trial version of HiRDB. Is it related to the database? Is that it? I think it's used on a general-purpose machine. Or maybe it's a kind of SaaS. I googled. I wonder if this is Paas. Is it close to AWS? ,,, oh ,,,, seriously. Yeah. Great company and Honma. I want to try it if I have a chance.

I wonder if I shouldn't write this much. I feel like it's going to come out in various ways. ,,,,,,, eh?

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