[PYTHON] [pandas] GroupBy Tips


Here are some useful GroupBy tips I learned when I entered Kaggle's Data Science Bowl 2019.

Operating environment

Data to use

Use the following fictitious data

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'name'    : ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'David', 'Eve', 'Fred', 'George'],
    'state'   : ['NY', 'CA', 'NY', 'CA', 'FL', 'FL', 'NY'],
    'score'   : [4, 3, 5, 10, 1, 0, 7]
name state score
0 Alice NY 4
1 Bob CA 3
2 Charlie NY 5
3 David CA 10
4 Eve FL 1
5 Fred FL 0
6 George NY 7

Extract the first row of each group

Use first () or head (1), nth (0) head (n) gets n rows from the beginning of each group, so specify n = 1 if you want the first row nth (n) gets the nth line of each group, so if you want the first line, specify n = 0

Note that each method behaves differently when there are missing values. first () gets the first non-NaN value for each column, so if it contains missing values, it may return spliced data from separate rows. head () gets n rows from the beginning, including missing values The behavior of nth () differs depending on the setting value of dropna (None, ʻany, ʻall).

Also, first () and nth () have the same output format, but head () is different.

#        name  score
#CA       Bob      3
#FL       Eve      1
#NY     Alice      4

#    name state  score
#0  Alice    NY      4
#1    Bob    CA      3
#4    Eve    FL      1

#        name  score
#CA       Bob      3
#FL       Eve      1
#NY     Alice      4

If there are missing values

#Data creation omitted
#      name state  score
#0    Alice    NY    NaN
#1      Bob    CA    3.0
#2  Charlie    NY    5.0
#3    David    CA   10.0
#4      Eve    FL    NaN
#5     Fred    FL    0.0
#6   George    NY    7.0

#        name  score
#CA       Bob    3.0
#FL       Eve    0.0
#NY     Alice    5.0
#⇒ Eve and Alice data are spliced with other data!

#    name state  score
#0  Alice    NY    NaN
#1    Bob    CA    3.0
#4    Eve    FL    NaN
#⇒ NaN remains as it is!

See the following page for details on the difference in behavior when there are missing values. [Pandas] The story of the first and last functions that find the first and last lines of groupby, the difference from head and nth

Extract the last row of each group

Use last () or tail (1), nth (-1) tail (n) gets n rows from the end of each group, so specify n = 1 if you want the last row nth (n) gets the nth line of each group, so if you want the last line, specify n = -1

Note that each method behaves differently when there are missing values, just like when the first row was extracted earlier. last () behaves the same as first () and tail () behaves the same as head ()

#         name  score
#CA      David     10
#FL       Fred      0
#NY     George      7

#     name state  score
#3   David    CA     10
#5    Fred    FL      0
#6  George    NY      7

#         name  score
#CA      David     10
#FL       Fred      0
#NY     George      7

Get the size of each group

Use size () Similar results can be obtained with value_counts () when group by is done with only one column, but it is convenient when getting the number of data of each pair for multiple columns.

#CA    2
#FL    2
#NY    3
#dtype: int64

#NY    3
#CA    2
#FL    2
#Name: state, dtype: int64

Get the number of data in each pair for multiple columns

#Data creation omitted
#      name state  score team
#0    Alice    NY      4    A
#1      Bob    CA      3    A
#2  Charlie    NY      5    A
#3    David    CA     10    A
#4      Eve    FL      1    B
#5     Fred    FL      0    B
#6   George    NY      7    B

team_df.groupby(['state', 'team']).size()
#state  team
#CA     A       2
#FL     B       2
#NY     A       2
#       B       1
#dtype: int64

Shift data by group

You can use shift () in the result of groupby

#Sort data by state to make the results easier to see
df.sort_values('state', inplace=True)
#      name state  score
#1      Bob    CA      3
#3    David    CA     10
#4      Eve    FL      1
#5     Fred    FL      0
#0    Alice    NY      4
#2  Charlie    NY      5
#6   George    NY      7

#1    NaN
#3    3.0
#4    NaN
#5    1.0
#0    NaN
#2    4.0
#6    5.0
#Name: score, dtype: float64

Take the cumulative sum for each group

Apply cumsum () to the result of groupby using ʻapply`

#      name state  score
#1      Bob    CA      3
#3    David    CA     10
#4      Eve    FL      1
#5     Fred    FL      0
#0    Alice    NY      4
#2  Charlie    NY      5
#6   George    NY      7

df.groupby('state').apply(lambda tdf: tdf['score'].cumsum())
#CA     1     3
#       3    13
#FL     4     1
#       5     1
#NY     0     4
#       2     9
#       6    16
#Name: score, dtype: int64

Get the number of categories for each group

For example, the following program gets how many types of teams there are for each state

#      name state  score team
#0    Alice    NY      4    A
#1      Bob    CA      3    A
#2  Charlie    NY      5    A
#3    David    CA     10    A
#4      Eve    FL      1    B
#5     Fred    FL      0    B
#6   George    NY      7    B

team_df.groupby('state')['team'].agg(lambda x: len(x.unique()))
#CA    1
#FL    1
#NY    2
#Name: team, dtype: int64

at the end

There are mistakes and better ways! I would be grateful if you could tell me

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