Output test coverage with clover + gradle

About this document


I left the contents created when I tried it in the following repository mitsuya-saida/clover-sample


Dependent License
clover Apache 2.0 license
bmuschko/gradle-clover-plugin Apache 2.0 license

Try to output the coverage for the time being

Move for the time being

Write that it depends on build.gradle

Add gradle-clover-plugin to dependencies in buildscript as below

buildscript {
	dependencies {
		classpath 'com.bmuschko:gradle-clover-plugin:2.1.3'

Addition of settings to apply plugin

apply plugin: 'com.bmuschko.clover'

Added clover to dependencies

dependencies {
	clover 'org.openclover:clover:4.2.0'

Describe clover settings

clover {
	report {
		html = true

The build.gradle finally completed by the project made with Spring boot is as follows

buildscript {
	ext {
		springBootVersion = '1.5.8.RELEASE'
	repositories {
	dependencies {
		classpath 'com.bmuschko:gradle-clover-plugin:2.1.3'

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
apply plugin: 'org.springframework.boot'
apply plugin: 'com.bmuschko.clover'

group = 'com.example'
version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'
sourceCompatibility = 1.8

repositories {

clover {
	report {
		html = true
		filter = 'main'

dependencies {
	clover 'org.openclover:clover:4.2.0'

Write a suitable test


Output coverage

The test is executed by the following command and the coverage file is output.

$ gradle clean cloverGenerateReport

View the output result

Since the html of the report is generated in the build result, look at it with a browser In the case of this project, it is located in the following path


Looking at the browser, it looks like this


Around the clover settings

Commands provided by clover

The available commands are as follows

Command Usage
cloverGenerateReport Run test and output coverage
cloverAggregateReports Aggregate test execution results for projects with multiple modules (I'm not sure because I've never used it)

Filter the test target

Try excluding the main function, getters, and setters from coverage

Move for the time being

Output coverage by writing the following in the clover settings

clover {
	contexts {
		method {
			name = 'main'
			regexp = 'public static void main\\(String\\[\\] args\\).*'
	report {
		html = true
		filter = 'main,property'
Output result


Miscellaneous feelings

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