[PYTHON] Tips when Vimmer switches to Pycharm

As you can see here, you can use vim keybindings with IdeaVim http://nwpct1.hatenablog.com/entry/pycharm-vim

When the project root and django root folders are not together

From Explorer in the upper left, select Mark Directory As and set it as Source Root. If you don't do this, the source editor will point out a reference error even if you load the django application file.

When opening a file

If you press shift twice in a row, it will be searched, so specify the file name. In the case of django, it will be a file similar to views.py, so I hope it can be narrowed down like peco.

Tab switching

Ctrl + Tab launches switcher

open / close terminal

option (alt) + F12 key

Automatic format

Command + option(alt) + L

Search for snippet

Command + J

Display line numbers

Preferences>Editor>General>Appearance>Show line numbers

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