Did you find out that you were looking at this article? Did you look at the previous article? Then, do you go to the main subject? This time, let's write the code that will come out as "Hello World!" When you type "/ hello" in Minecraft. Let's launch IntelliJ IDEA first.
First, check Spigot.
If you are not sure about it here, you can set it like this.
Let's decide the project name here.
If you are not sure, please write like this.
Let's wait until it builds.
Once built ...
First, open plugin.yml from the file on the left.
Please write like this.
Until you get used to it, you can copy it.
Then open HelloWorld.java.
And write like this.
If you can write it, please press here. "Add configuration"
Open Maven and select "Hello World-spigot build".
And if you select it, it's OK
I think it looks like this.
Then press the play button on the right to run it.
Like this
When it says "BUILD SUCCESS" like this, it's done.
Now open target, put HelloWorld-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar in the server plugins file and type "/ hello" in the server.
When Hello World! Is displayed, you're done!
Up to here for this time!
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