Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) was announced in 2008 [^ 1] [^ 2]. DMD is a decomposition method that combines principal component analysis and Fourier transform, and is a method that can separate data into dimensional and temporal features.
The commentary articles that I referred to are below.
The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of DMD are complex numbers, and the complex components of the eigenvalues represent the decomposition in the time direction. However, there is a problem that it cannot be separated well if it is a one-dimensional standing wave. The explanation is in the following article.
-<https://iqujack-lequina.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/12/02/ Standing wave DMD>
I don't think that DMD will be used for 1D data, but since the Python code has not been released, I will describe it for reference. Here are some examples that cannot be decomposed well and some that can. The base paper is Tu 2014 [^ 3], and the code is DMD Book. It is based on the Matlab code of.
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Find the period from the numerical data of the one-dimensional sine wave. The period is $ 1j $ for complex numbers.
In the example that doesn't work, the eigenvalues are real and the complex numbers don't come out because the data is only one-dimensional. Therefore, the periodic component cannot be decomposed.
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as LA
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
t = np.arange(0, 10.01, 0.01)
x = np.sin(t)
dt = t[2] - t[1]
#Data matrix
X1 = x[:-1]
X2 = x[1:]
U,S,Vh = LA.svd(X1[np.newaxis,:],False)
V = Vh.T
#Atilde with A reduced by left singular vector
Atilde = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(U.T, X2[np.newaxis,:]), V), LA.inv(np.diag(S)))
#Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Atilde
Lam, W = LA.eig(Atilde)
print("eigenvalue:",Lam)#Lam:1.It becomes 00025541 and is a real number
#Find the eigenvector of A from the eigenvector of Atilde
Phi = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(X2[np.newaxis,:], V), LA.inv(np.diag(S))), W)
#Discrete to continuous exp(**)of**Seeking
Omega = np.log(Lam)/dt
#Restore the original function from Omega and Phi.
b = np.dot(LA.pinv(Phi * np.exp(Omega * t)).T, x)
x_dmd = b * Phi * np.exp(Omega * t)
plt.plot(t, x_dmd[0,:])
It is introduced in Explanatory article, but the data is shifted in the time direction. Make another dimension and make it two-dimensional data. By doing this, the complex component appears in the eigenvalue, and $ \ sin (x) $ can be found in the numerical data. That's it.
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as LA
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
t = np.arange(0, 10.01, 0.01)
x = np.sin(t)
dt = t[2] - t[1]
#Data matrix
#The main difference is here. It is two-dimensional.
X_aug1 = np.array([x[:-2], x[1:-1]])
X_aug2 = np.array([x[1:-1], x[2:]])
U,S,Vh = LA.svd(X_aug1,False)
V = Vh.conj().T
#Atilde with A reduced by left singular vector
#U takes the complex conjugate and makes it a transposed matrix.
Atilde = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(U.conj().T, X_aug2), V), LA.inv(np.diag(S)))
#Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Atilde
Lam, W = LA.eig(Atilde)
print("eigenvalue:", Lam)#Lam:[0.9995+0.00999983j 0.9995-0.00999983j]Complex number
#Find the eigenvector of A from the eigenvector of Atilde
Phi = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(X_aug2, V), LA.inv(np.diag(S))), W)
#Discrete to continuous exp(**)of**Seeking
Omega = np.diag(np.log(Lam)/dt)
print("Omega:", Omega)#Just in case, it will be 1j
#Restore the original function from Omega and Phi.
#What you are doing is the same as in 1D, but the writing style is different.
b = np.dot(LA.pinv(Phi), X_aug1[:,0])
x_dmd = np.zeros([2,len(t)], dtype='complex')
for i, _t in enumerate(t):
x_dmd[:,i] = np.dot(np.dot(Phi, np.exp(Omega * _t)), b)
plt.plot(t, x_dmd[0,:].real)
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