[PYTHON] Cython is coming to AtCoder !!

Cython is coming to AtCoder !!

Language Update As a crew member, I was able to try Cython in the new judge test environment, so I tried it. By the way, what is the first time I touched Cython? I don't even know (laughs)

By the way, Python 3 after the language update is 3.8.0 and Cython is 0.29.14.

Python code works as is

ABC085C --I tried it with Otoshidama. I submitted the source code that was AC at 678 ms with Python 3 as it is with Cython and AC at 614 ms.

from sys import exit

N, Y = map(int, input().split())

for i in range(N + 1):
    for j in range(N + 1 - i):
        k = N - i - j
        if 10000 * i + 5000 * j + 1000 * k == Y:
            print('%d %d %d' % (i, j, k))
print('-1 -1 -1')

Syntax error is CE instead of RE!

Didn't you think that Python 3 would be penalized with RE even though the compilers were CE and no penalties even with a sloppy typo? Cython would be CE.

If you try to delete the = in the first assignment statement, you will get an error like this.

Error compiling Cython file:
from sys import exit

N, Y  map(int, input().split())

Main.py:3:6: Syntax error in simple statement list
./Main.c:1:2: error: #error Do not use this file, it is the result of a failed Cython compilation.
    1 | #error Do not use this file, it is the result of a failed Cython compilation.
      |  ^~~~~

It's fast to type!

Looking at the Cython documentation, it seems like I need two source codes, like writing a .pyx file, compiling it, and importing and using it in .py, so I didn't know how to use it at first. Cython has Pure Python Mode, which seems to be used by AtCoder.

As a result, AC. 6 times faster in 107ms !!

from cython import longlong

def main():
    N: longlong
    Y: longlong
    N, Y = map(int, input().split())

    i: longlong
    j: longlong
    for i in range(N + 1):
        for j in range(N + 1 - i):
            k: longlong = N - i - j
            if 10000 * i + 5000 * j + 1000 * k == Y:
                print('%d %d %d' % (i, j, k))
    print('-1 -1 -1')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Appendix: With PyPy 3

After the language update, PyPy 3 was 7.3.0, AC at 150ms. However, the memory consumption was significantly increased to 64MB compared to 8.7MB for Python 3 / Cython.

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