[PYTHON] [Memo] Commands used when using Docker (stop container, delete, delete image)


Make a note of the commands to stop and delete the container and delete the image when using Docker by yourself.

Checking the running container

Use the command below to get the running container ID.

$ docker ps -q

You can get the container ID as shown below.


Stopping container while running

Use the command below to stop the running container. This time I'm going to stop the container ID d886772499bd.

$ docker stop d886772499bd

Delete container

Delete the container using the command below. This time I'm going to stop the container ID d886772499bd.

$ docker rm d886772499bd

Bulk deletion of containers

You can use the command below to delete all containers at once even if there are many containers.

$ docker ps -aq | xargs docker rm

Please note that the above command will fail if there is a running container, so be sure to stop the running container before executing it.

Image confirmation

Use the command below to get the image ID.

$ docker images -q

You can get the image ID as shown below.


Delete image

Delete the image using the command below. This time I will stop the image ID 746b819f315e.

$ docker rmi 746b819f315e

Bulk delete images

You can delete the image at once by using the following command.

$ docker images -aq | xargs docker rmi

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