Precautions when replacing backticks with gsub

When posting to Teams via API, the backslash ('`') in the string was processed by Markdown and looked strange, so trying to escape with a backslash ('') in front did not work. ..


s = 'abc`123`xyz'  # 'abc\`123\`xyz'I want to
puts s.gsub(/`/, '\`') # => abcabc123abc`123xyz

If you wonder why this is so ...,'\ `'seems to be used as a matched substring in the replacement string.

instance method String#gsub

I increased the backslash and it worked


s = 'abc`123`xyz'
puts s.gsub(/`/, '\\\`') # => abc\`123\`xyz

Even so, I want the ability to post with Markdown disabled. .. ..

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