[PYTHON] Redis WebAPI (Bottle)

This is a server-side program that meets the specifications specified here. Create Redis WebAPI


#! /usr/bin/python
#	bottle_redis.py
#						Nov/13/2020
# --------------------------------------------------------
from bottle import route, run, post, request
import redis
import json
import sys
# --------------------------------------------------------
def read():
	key = request.forms.get('key')

	json_str = ""
		rr = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
		json_str = rr.get(key).decode()
	except Exception as ee:
		sys.stderr.write("*** error *** in rr.get ***\n")
		sys.stderr.write(str(ee) + "\n")

	return json_str
# --------------------------------------------------------
def insert():
	key = request.forms.key
	json_str = request.forms.value
	sys.stderr.write(key + "\n")
	sys.stderr.write(json_str + "\n")
	if json_str != "0000":
		rr = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
		rr.set(key, json_str)
	str_out = ""
	str_out += key + " *** "
	str_out += json_str + " *** "

	return str_out
# --------------------------------------------------------
def list():
	keys = []
	json_str = ""
		rr = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
		keys = rr.keys('*')
	except Exception as ee:
		sys.stderr.write("*** error *** in rr.keys ***\n")
		sys.stderr.write(str(ee) + "\n")
	keys_str = []
	for key in keys:
		key_str = key.decode('utf-8')
		json_str = json.dumps(keys_str)
	except Exception as ee:
		sys.stderr.write("*** error *** in json.dumps ***\n")
		sys.stderr.write(str(ee) + "\n")
	return json_str
# --------------------------------------------------------
run(host='localhost', port=8080, debug=True)
# --------------------------------------------------------

Start the server

$ ./bottle_redis.py 
Bottle v0.12.18 server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())...
Listening on http://localhost:8080/
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.


curl -X POST -d key=t1855 http://localhost:8080/read


curl -X POST \
	-d key=t1855 \
-d value='{"name": "Utsunomiya","population": 87516,"date_mod": "2001-3-16"}' \

List of keys

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/list

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Redis WebAPI (Bottle)