Building a Kotlin development environment using SDKMAN

I needed to develop it in Kotlin, so I summarized it as a memorandum.

Describes the installation of SDKMAN, Kotlin, Gradle, etc.

What is SDKMAN

It's like a JVM-based rbenv.

You can enjoy the same advantages (installation and switching of multiple versions) as the env system such as rbenv.

It seems that it can be used only on UNIX.

Installing SDKMAN

Please change the bash part to your shell.

$ curl -s | bash
$ exec $SHELL -l

Install Kotlin

$ sdk install kotlin

Operation check

Prepare the file


fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    println("Hello, World!")


$ kotlinc hello.kt -include-runtime -d hello.jar


$ java -jar hello.jar

Gradle installation

$ sdk install gradle

Create a project using Gradle

$ gradle init

You will be asked variously, so select as you like.

Bonus (commands that you are likely to use)

Versioned installation

$ sdk install kotlin 1.2.71

Version specification uninstall

$ sdk uninstall kotlin 1.2.71


$ sdk default kotlin 1.2.71

List display

$ sdk list kotlin


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