Diffusion simulation of ink dripping on the surface of the water

I made it using the following diffusion equation.

U_{i,j}^{t+1} - U_{i,j}^{t} = D \times ( U_{i-1,j}^t - 2U_{i,j}^t + U^t_{i+1,j} ) + D \times ( U^t_{i,j-1} - 2U^t_{i,j} + U^t_{i,j+1})

I'm trying to do path tracing, so I'm outputting an image file in ppm format for practice.


package flow;

import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;

public class InkFlow{
	//Simulate the diffusion of ink dropped on the surface of the water
	static double INK = 255.; //Maximum RGB value
	static int mx; //Number of horizontal meshes(Number of pixels in the image? become)
	static int my; //Vertical
	static int fc=0; //Filename variable

	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
		 *Setting(Change here)
		//Water surface setting
		int x = 10; //Lateral length[cm]
		int y = 10; //Vertical length[cm]

		//Places where ink is dropped (upper left, upper right, left, center, right, lower left, lower, lower right)
		boolean CPlace[][] = { // Cyan
		boolean MPlace[][] = { // Magenta
		boolean YPlace[][] = { // Yellow
		//The size of the ink to hang down
		int InkSize = 13;

		//Time setting
		int t=0; //Initial time 0[msec]
		int T=10000;     //End time[msec]
		int ut = 1000;		//File output unit time[msec]
		int inkt = 5000; //Time to drip ink[msec]

		//Variables for diffusion
		double ul = 0.1; //Unit distance[cm]
		mx = (int) (x / ul);
		my = (int) (y / ul);
		double D = 0.25; //Diffusion coefficient(<0.25)

		LogSettings(x,y,InkSize,T,ut, inkt ,ul,mx,my,D); //Configuration log

		//Color initialization (white)
		double R[][] = InitialInk();
		double G[][] = InitialInk();
		double B[][] = InitialInk();

		//Drip ink
		DipInk(CPlace, MPlace, YPlace, InkSize, R, G, B);
		Output(R, G, B);

		 *Main loop
		while(t++ <= T) { //Loop until end time T
			R = CalcDiffusion(R, D);
			G = CalcDiffusion(G, D);
			B = CalcDiffusion(B, D);
			//Drip ink
			if(t < inkt) { //inkt msec hang down
				DipInk(CPlace, MPlace, YPlace, InkSize, R, G, B);
			if(t % ut == 0){
				Output(R, G, B);

	 *Various methods
	static double[][] InitialInk(){ //Ink initialization
		double a[][] = new double[mx][my];
		for(int i = 0; i < mx; i++) {
			for(int j = 0; j < my; j++) {
				a[i][j] = INK;
		return a;

	static double[][] CalcDiffusion(double[][] a, double D){ //Diffusion calculation
		double b[][] = new double[mx][my];
		//Inner calculation
		for(int i=1;i<(mx-1);i++){
			for(int j=1;j<(my-1);j++){ //Diffusion equation
				b[i][j] = a[i][j] + D * (a[i+1][j] + a[i-1][j] - 2*a[i][j]) + D * (a[i][j+1] + a[i][j-1] - 2*a[i][j]);
		//Outer calculation
		for(int i=0;i<mx;i++){
			b[i][my-1] = b[i][my-2];
			b[i][0] = b[i][1];
		for(int j=0;j<my;j++){
			b[mx-1][j] = b[mx-2][j];
			b[0][j] = b[1][j];
		return b;

	static void DipInk(boolean[][] CPlace, boolean[][] MPlace, boolean[][] YPlace, int InkSize, double[][] R, double[][] G, double[][] B) {
		for(int i = 0; i < CPlace.length; i++) {
			for(int j = 0; j < CPlace[0].length; j++) {
				if(CPlace[i][j] || MPlace[i][j] || YPlace[i][j]) {
					if(CPlace[i][j]) {
						DipWithInkSize(R, InkSize, i, j, 0);
					} else {
						DipWithInkSize(R, InkSize, i, j, 212);
					if(MPlace[i][j]) {
						DipWithInkSize(G, InkSize, i, j, 0);
					} else {
						DipWithInkSize(G, InkSize, i, j, 212);
					if(YPlace[i][j]) {
						DipWithInkSize(B, InkSize, i, j, 0);
					} else {
						DipWithInkSize(B, InkSize, i, j, 212);
	static void DipWithInkSize(double[][] C, int InkSize, int a, int b, double val) {
		//Increase the ink mass in a spiral shape according to the ink size
		C[(int) (mx*(2*a+1)/6)][(int) (my*(2*b+1)/6)] = val; //First ink
		int itr = 1;
		int i = 1;
		while(true) {
			for(int x = itr, y = 0; x > 0; x--,y++) {
				C[(int) (mx*(2*a+1)/6)+x][(int) (my*(2*b+1)/6)+y] = val;
				if(i >= InkSize) {
			for(int x = 0, y = itr; y > 0; x--, y--) {
				C[(int) (mx*(2*a+1)/6)+x][(int) (my*(2*b+1)/6)+y] = val;
				if(i >= InkSize) {
			for(int x = -itr, y = 0; x < 0; x++,y--) {
				C[(int) (mx*(2*a+1)/6)+x][(int) (my*(2*b+1)/6)+y] = val;
				if(i >= InkSize) {
			for(int x = 0, y = -itr; y < 0; x++, y++) {
				C[(int) (mx*(2*a+1)/6)+x][(int) (my*(2*b+1)/6)+y] = val;
				if(i >= InkSize) {

	static void Output(double[][] R, double[][] G, double[][] B) throws IOException { //Image file(ppm format)Output of
		String fname = "3_" + fc++ + ".ppm";
		FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(fname);    // Difine file name
		// Header
		fw.write("P3 \r\n");
		fw.write("#The P3 means colors are in ASCII, then columns and rows, then 255 for max color, then RGB triplets \r\n");
		fw.write(mx + " " + my + " \r\n");
		fw.write("" + (int) INK + " \r\n");

		// Body
		for(int i = 0; i < mx; i++) {
			for(int j = 0; j < my; j++) {
				fw.write("" + (int) R[i][j] + " " + (int) G[i][j] + " " + (int) B[i][j]);
				fw.write(" \r\n");
		System.out.println("output: " + fname);

	static void LogSettings(int x, int y, int InkSize, int T, int ut, int inkt, double ul, int mx, int my, double D) {
		System.out.println("Water surface(Horizontal x vertical)  : " + x + " cm × " + y + " cm");
		System.out.println("Ink size: " + ul*ul*InkSize + " cm^2");
		System.out.println("Time to hang:" + inkt + " msec");
		System.out.println("ending time: " + T + " msec");
		System.out.println("Output unit time: " + ut + " msec");
		System.out.println("Unit distance: " + ul + " cm");
		System.out.println("Number of horizontal meshes: " + mx);
		System.out.println("Number of vertical meshes: " + my);
		System.out.println("Diffusion coefficient: " + D);
		if(mx / 6 < InkSize) {
			System.out.println("InkSize is too large");

In console, the output is as follows.

Water surface(Horizontal x vertical)  : 10 cm × 10 cm
Ink size: 0.13000000000000003 cm^2
Time to hang:5000 msec
ending time: 10000 msec
Output unit time: 1000 msec
Unit distance: 0.1 cm
Number of horizontal meshes: 100
Number of vertical meshes: 100
Diffusion coefficient: 0.25
output: 3_0.ppm
output: 3_1.ppm
output: 3_2.ppm
output: 3_3.ppm
output: 3_4.ppm
output: 3_5.ppm
output: 3_6.ppm
output: 3_7.ppm
output: 3_8.ppm
output: 3_9.ppm
output: 3_10.ppm

The output image should look like the one below

3_0.png 3_1.png 3_2.png 3_3.png 3_4.png 3_5.png 3_6.png 3_7.png 3_8.png 3_9.png 3_10.png

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