A note that deployed a Python application from Circle CI to Elastic Beanstalk and notified Slack


Register with Circle CI as a repository

When you sign up for Circle CI, some repositories are displayed, so select it. Select to run the build.

Set AWS access key

Select the registered repository from BUILDS and select Project Settings in the upper right. Go to PERMISSIONS → AWS Permissions and register your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key ID. This is internally written to ~ / .aws / config and ~ / .aws / credentials at build time. The profile name will be [default], so be careful if you have already edited the .config file under the .elasticbeanstalk directory with a different profile name.

Set up Slack

Get the WebHook URL and go to Circle CI. Check with Test Hook.

Add and edit circle.yml

Maybe I had to put it directly under the repository root directory.

Specify a directory

Not required if the source code is in the root directory of the repository.

  build_dir: src

machine specification

According to the Python3 environment that can be created with Elastic Beanstalk now, as follows.

    version: 3.4.3

Setting to put awsebcli

Dependent libraries are also included here.

    - pip install -r requirements.txt
    - pip install awsebcli

When you want to run a test at the same time

As below

    - python test.py

Settings to deploy

The branch name and the environment name on Elastic Beanstalk.

    branch: develop
      - eb deploy eb-environment-name

Add and edit Elastic Beanstalk configuration file

Add .elasticbeanstalk / config.yml to the deploy directory (src this time). Edit as follows. As mentioned above, the profile name is default.

    environment: eb-environment-name
  application_name: eb-app-name
  default_ec2_keyname: null
  default_platform: 64bit Amazon Linux 2016.03 v2.1.0 running Python 3.4
  default_region: ap-northeast-1
  profile: default
  sc: null

If you have already set the profile name other than default

You can overwrite ~ / .aws / credentials with pre in circle.yml. At first, I wrote it out by myself without noticing that ~ / .aws / credentials was written out on the Circle CI side, so this method should be okay.

Try to deploy

Push circle.yml and .elasticbeanstalk / config.yml. It should be deployed after a while.

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