python> array> Determine the number and initialize> mylist = [idx for idx in range (10)] / mylist = [0 for idx in range (10)] >> mylist = [0] * 10

I wasn't sure how to declare it as an array of size N in python. The way I understood by reading this area.


mylist = [idx for idx in range(10)]
print mylist


Success	time: 0.03 memory: 44680 signal:0
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

With this, 100 arrays can be initialized for the time being.

If you want to set the initial value to 0, it seems that you should set the leftmost idx to 0.

mylist = [0 for idx in range(10)]

improved (Added on 2015/12/01)

If you just want to initialize, the following method that you both told us in the comments is simple and easy to see.

mylist = [0] * 10

Please refer to @ shiracamus's comment (2015/12/01 07:41) for notes on range ().

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