[PYTHON] About the open source support group NumFOCUS

NumFOCUS (https://www.numfocus.org/) is a non-profit organization that supports projects related to open source science computing. Companies such as Microsoft and IBM are participating as partners.

Even for the most well-known open source projects, it is often financially difficult to support the community with non-profit volunteers alone, and NumFOCUS says that such projects will continue to work. Our mission is to serve as a receiver for financial support.

In order to become a support project, it is necessary for the purpose to specialize in ** scientific computing or data science **, and it seems that development of general-purpose tools (IDE, utilities, general-purpose programming language and tool development) is not suitable. .. Educational activities are also good fit if the purpose is scientific computing or data science. Other specific requirements can be found on the here page.

NumFOCUS Support Project (as of May 13, 2017)

A list of projects financially supported by NumFOCUS. It seems that there are many Python-related projects because it was originally started as a base to support major Python projects. It includes not only library development but also educational activity projects.

project Activity content
AstroPy Python package development for astronomy
Data Carpentry Data science educational activities
FEniCS Project Development of tools for PDEs
IPython Python's powerful interactive shell
Julia Dynamic programming language for scientific computing
Matplotlib Python 2D graph drawing library
nteract A document creation program that contains executable code
NumPy Basic Python library for scientific computing
Project Jupyter Tools for Interactive Computing
pandas Python library for data analysis
PyMC3 Bayesian statistical model Python library
PyTables Python library for hierarchical datasets
QuantEcon Computing skill support for economic model
rOpenSci R software group that supports the workflow of scientists
Software Carpentry Computing education for scientists
SunPy Python library for solar physics
SymPy CAS with Python(Computer algebra system)Library
Stan Language for data analysis that can be automatically estimated by many statistical models
yt Analysis and visualization tools for volumetric data in Python

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