Remove ASCII code control characters from strings


After converting Hex to a byte array and `new String (byte [])`, 0x00 or 0x01 came in and it became mukey, so I checked it.

Remove ASCII control characters from the string.

//Required to convert from hex to byte.
import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;

//Abbreviated as class definition or method definition

String hex = "0100313233343536373839302D5E5C";  //The first 4 bytes are control characters

byte[] hexFromByte = DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary(hex);
String strFromByte = new String(hexFromByte);

String resultStr strFromByte.replaceAll("\\p{C}", ""));

//Control characters disappear"1234567890-^\"Should be output.

This is the reason why "\ p {C}" is fine.

Note that the line feed code is also removed. I don't know if it can be used in languages other than Java.

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