[Rails] Regular batch processing by whenever

[Rails] Regular batch processing by whenever

I implemented batch processing in Rails using Whenever, so I will summarize it.

table of contents

Operating environment

OS : macOS Mojave 10.14.6 ruby : 2.6.3p62 rails : 5.2.4

Thing you want to do

I want to create a task that runs regularly at a fixed time


Install whenever


gem 'whenever', require: false

Perform installation

Bundle install

Add lib to rails

Set Rails to read the lib folder This is to put the files to be batch processed in the lib folder.

class Application < Rails::Application
  config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{config.root}/lib"]

Description of batch processing

Create a folder called batch in lib, and create a file to be executed regularly in it. Any name can be used after Batch ::.

Example batch/deadline_cleaner.rb


class Batch::DeadlineClear
  def self.deadline_clear
    puts DateTime.now
    puts 'Test'


$ bundle exec rails runner Batch::DeadlineClear.deadline_clear

Running via Spring preloader in process 77676

Create / edit schedule.rb

Go to the root folder of your application and run the following command

$ cd blog-app
$ bundle exec wheneverize .

When executed, config / schedule.rb will be created.

After that, describe the schedule and the task you want to execute in schedule.rb as shown below.

set :output, 'log/crontab.log'
set :environment, :development

every 1.day, at: '00:00 am' do
  runner 'Batch::DeadlineClear.deadline_clear'

Reflect it in CRON with the following command.

$ bundle exec whenever --update-crontab 

Execution result

You can see that the batch processing is actually done every minute.

$ cat log/crontab.log 
Running via Spring preloader in process 78244
Running via Spring preloader in process 78534
Running via Spring preloader in process 78598
Running via Spring preloader in process 78652

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