[GO] [100%] FrogJmp (src & jUnit)



Count the minimum number of jumps from position X to Y. image.png

Task description

A little frog wants to go to the other side of the road. The frog is currently in position X and wants to reach a position above Y. The little frog always jumps a certain distance D.

Count the minimum number of jumps a small frog must make to reach its goal.

Write a function:

class Solution {public int solution(int X、int Y、int D); }

It returns the minimum number of jumps from position X to positions above Y, given the three integers X, Y, and D.

For example:

   X = 10
   Y = 85
   D = 30

The function should return 3 because the frog is placed like this:

Write a ** efficient ** algorithm for the following assumptions:


Program FrogJmpSolution.java


    public int solution(int X, int Y, int D) {
        return (int) Math.ceil ((double) (Y - X) / D);

Detected time complexity:

jUnit FrogJmpSolutionTest.java

Report Candidate Report: trainingBFBAZF-EXF

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