Ruby sum is a sober and amazing story


The story that sum, which has a reputation for being fast and fast, was really fast

This theme

AtCoder Beginner Contest B - Trapezoid Sum Difficulty: 27

This theme, the sum of arithmetic progressions

The theme is that if you add normally, it will be TLE, so the formula of the sum of arithmetic progressions


Let's use. inject(TLE)


n = gets.to_i
sum = 0
n.times do
  a, b =
  sum += (a..b).inject(:+)
puts sum

Superbly TLE sum(AC)


n = gets.to_i
sum = 0
n.times do
  a, b =
  sum += (a..b).sum
puts sum

It passes normally. It seems that sum of range uses the formula of sum of arithmetic progressions internally ~~ (appropriate) ~~ Apparently it was true. Please refer to the comment section.

Ruby(inject) Ruby(sum)
Code length(Byte) 110 103
Execution time(ms) TLE 135
memory(KB) 14344 14392


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