Passed the Ruby engineer certification exam Silver in two weeks from inexperienced

When I took the Ruby engineer certification exam Silver in late September, I was able to pass it successfully. The study period was less than two weeks and the score was 84 points.

I was able to concentrate on the specific study time for about 2 to 3 hours on weekdays. I didn't study on holidays because I had other errands. I am studying for +3 hours only the day before the exam. I just changed jobs to a web engineer and have no practical experience with Ruby. </ b> I just tried the Rails tutorial lightly.

Study methods and teaching materials

The following three teaching materials were used.

Probably the most used site. I solved 50 questions almost every day, and finally I was able to get 90% stable. At first, I don't think you can get a score, but it's a good idea to solve it first and repeat "If you don't understand something in the commentary, check it out."

  • [[Revised 2nd Edition] Ruby Engineer Certification Exam Passed Textbook (Silver / Gold Compatible)]( E7% 89% 88-Ruby% E6% 8A% 80% E8% A1% 93% E8% 80% 85% E8% AA% 8D% E5% AE% 9A% E8% A9% A6% E9% A8% 93% E5% 90% 88% E6% A0% BC% E6% 95% 99% E6% 9C% AC-Silver-Gold% E5% AF% BE% E5% BF% 9C-Ruby% E5% 85% AC% E5% BC% 8F% E8% B3% 87% E6% A0% BC% E6% 95% 99% E7% A7% 91% E6% 9B% B8 / dp / 4774191949) </ b>

This is an official collection of questions. Despite some typographical errors, there were multiple problems that came up almost as they were in the actual exam </ b>, so it's better to do it. In the case of the silver test, there is not much need to read the text part, so it is recommended to repeat the basic ability confirmation question and the mock test and refer to it if you have any questions.

This is a mock question that exists in the github repository. I was afraid that I would remember the problem if I repeated the above two, so I put this in between.

I repeated all three until I could score 90% or more.

Teaching materials that I didn't use much

  • Progate
  • [Introduction to Ruby for those who want to become professionals]( E6% 8C% 87% E3% 81% 99% E4% BA% BA% E3% 81% AE% E3% 81% 9F% E3% 82% 81% E3% 81% AERuby% E5% 85% A5% E9% 96% 80-% E8% A8% 80% E8% AA% 9E% E4% BB% 95% E6% A7% 98% E3% 81% 8B% E3% 82% 89% E3% 83% 86% E3% 82 % B9% E3% 83% 88% E9% A7% 86% E5% 8B% 95% E9% 96% 8B% E7% 99% BA% E3% 83% BB% E3% 83% 87% E3% 83% 90 % E3% 83% 83% E3% 82% B0% E6% 8A% 80% E6% B3% 95% E3% 81% BE% E3% 81% A7-Software-Design-plus% E3% 82% B7% E3 % 83% AA% E3% 83% BC% E3% 82% BA / dp / 4774193976)
  • Ruby is miniature

There is no doubt that all of them are wonderful teaching materials, but I didn't feel much need for "the purpose of passing Ruby silver" </ b>. For those who want to become professionals, I felt that it would be okay to have an introduction to Ruby instead of a reference guide.

Points to note

I felt that the actual exam was slightly more difficult </ b> than the mock questions on the book or the Web. I took the exam with the mock questions almost perfect, but there were 5 questions for which the answer was not clear. In particular, the behavior of destructive and non-destructive methods will definitely be asked, so it is necessary to firmly suppress it. Regardless of those who have practical experience, it is recommended that inexperienced people take the exam after they are able to take 90% of the mock questions in a stable manner. The exam fee is not cheap either ...

Also, as a matter of course, the start time of the exam is strictly set, and if you are late, you will not be able to take the exam </ b>, so be sure to enter the venue 10 minutes in advance. You will be asked to show two types of ID at the reception, so don't forget to bring this as well (in your case, show your driver's license + health insurance card)


I was able to systematically learn Ruby's methods and operations, so I'm glad I took the exam. I was pleased to tell the company that I passed the exam. The exam is not so difficult, so if you are interested, feel free to take the exam.