Let's test Java EE with Arquillian, the Java EE testing framework. It is convenient because CDI and interceptor can be operated locally without preparing a Java EE server.
The source used this time is uploaded to Github. https://github.com/tuto00/Arquillian
JavaEE test beginner
Maven Edit pom.xml to use Maven. Add JavaEE, Junit, Arquillian library dependencies.
beans.xml Please prepare because you want to use the interceptor.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee/beans_1_1.xsd"
Inject the Hello class into the GreetService class. In addition, Interceptor (SampleInterceptor) is applied to GreetService class, and log output is performed before and after method execution.
public class GreetService {
Hello hello;
public String greet(){
return hello.hello();
@ApplicationScoped is also added to the Hello class to make it a CDI managed bean.
public class Hello {
public String hello() {
return "helloWorld";
Next, identify the Interceptor and create annotations to execute it.
public @interface SampleInterceptor {
Then, prepare the following in the form of implementing the SampleInterceptor created above. The class name and method name are output before the method is executed.
public class TestInterceptor {
public Object obj(InvocationContext ic) throws Exception {
//Before executing the method
System.out.println("process start class :" + ic.getTarget().getClass().getSimpleName()
+ " method:" + ic.getMethod().getName());
//Method execution
Object result = ic.proceed();
//After executing the method
System.out.println("process end");
return result;
Finally I will use the main subject Arquillian. I will write the test code.
public class GreetServiceTest {
GreetService greeter;
public static JavaArchive createDeployment() {
JavaArchive jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class)
.addAsManifestResource(new File("src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/beans.xml"));
return jar;
public void should_create_greeting() {
assertEquals("helloWorld", greeter.greet());
Unlike normal Junit, there are two points when using Arquillian.
The movement is as follows.
The @RunWith annotation tells JUnit to use Arquillian as the test controller. Arquillian looks for public static methods with the @Deployment annotation to receive test archives (that is, microdeployments). Then magic happens and each @Test method is executed inside the container environment.
The point is that you created a jar and ran it in a container. The container is controlled by Arquillian's container adapter. This time we are using Weld as the container and arquillian-weld-ee-embedded-1.1 as the container adapter.
Now let's run the test. Just like normal Junit, just run the test class in Junit.
Make sure the test result turns green and you see the following output on the console:
INFO: WELD-000900: 2.3.5 (Final) [Sun 6 23 18:06:32 JST 2019]
process start class :GreetService$Proxy$_$$_WeldSubclass method:greet
process end
You can see that process start, process end and interceptor are applied.
Arquillian makes it easy to test CDI and intercptor. Please try it out.
The downside is the lack of documentation. .. ..
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