@ClassRules doesn't work with PowerMockRunner

@classrulesIs@beforeclassOr@afterclassIs an alternative to. public staticNanatestruleBy annotating the class, it will be called before the test class.

However, it is not called using PowerMockRunner. This seems like a bug. Reference

The following is the kotlin source that declares a ClassRule in a field of type RxImmediateSchedulerRule that implements a public static TestRule, but it doesn't work.

class LoginViewModelTest {

    companion object {
        val schedulers: RxImmediateSchedulerRule = RxImmediateSchedulerRule()

    fun onClickLogin() {

        val mockAuth = PowerMockito.mock(Auth::class.java)

        val target = LoginViewModel(mockAuth)


        val result = Single.just(AuthEntity().apply {
            accessToken = "123456"
            userId = 100
        PowerMockito.`when`(mockAuth.login("email", "password")).thenReturn(result)


        Mockito.verify(mockAuth).login("email", "password")

It's not a fundamental solution, but it works if you stop `@ ClassRule``` and replace it with `@ Rule```.

    val schedulers: RxImmediateSchedulerRule = RxImmediateSchedulerRule()

//    companion object {
//        @JvmField
//        @ClassRule
//        val schedulers: RxImmediateSchedulerRule = RxImmediateSchedulerRule()
//    }

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